
Stephen Colbert Deconstructs Romney's Southern Strategy

Matt Toder · 03/12/12 11:02PM

Too bad it is little more than saying "y'all" and mentioning eating grits for breakfast. As a proud Southern gentlemen, Stephen Colbert finds this about as hard to abide as anything else in Romney's campaign.

Stephen Colbert Decodes Herman Cain's Insane Anti-Stimulus Ad

Matt Toder · 03/09/12 12:09AM

Herman Cain may have dropped out of the Republican primary race but that doesn't mean he's gone quietly into the night. In fact, he's released a new anti-stimulus spot that may or may not have resulted in the death of a goldfish. It's a harrowing and nightmarish vision, some are even calling it "political avant-garde." Not to be outdone, Colbert unveiled his own avant-garde, which is a real winner.

Stephen Colbert Panics as His 'Countdown to Loving Mitt' Clock Nearly Hits Zero

Matt Toder · 03/08/12 12:44AM

In preparation for last night's Super Tuesday contests, Stephen Colbert had created the 'countdown to loving Mitt' based on the assumption that Romney would be the presumptive nominee after the votes were counted. Since that wasn't the case, on tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen was able to reset the clock but not before panicking in much the same way many Republican voters seem to be panicking.

Stephen Colbert: Rush Limbaugh Is A Prostitute

Matt Toder · 03/06/12 12:11AM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert addressed Rush Limbaugh's rant about Sandra Fluke and her sexual habits, which he naturally tore to pieces. In doing so, he showed that Limbaugh is the true prostitute.

Stephen Colbert Unveils the World's Oldest 'Yo Mama' Joke

Matt Toder · 03/02/12 12:14AM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert took a break from dreading Mitt Romney's inevitable candidacy to examine some incredible archaeological findings, specifically an ancient Babylonian text which may include the world's oldest 'yo mama' joke. He really had fun with it.

Stephen Colbert Kicks off the 'Countdown to Loving Mitt'

Matt Toder · 03/01/12 12:03AM

Stephen Colbert knows that Mitt Romney will be the Republican candidate for President and that there's no turning back once Super Tuesday comes and goes. In preparation for the inevitability, tonight on the Colbert Report, he launched 'the Countdown to Loving Mitt.'

Stephen Colbert Profiles the GOP's Rising Stars

Matt Toder · 02/29/12 12:06AM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert took a moment (in his one thousandth show) to profile two young Republicans who are about to burst onto the national scene as they have already proven themselves perfect ideologues in Colbert's view. Indiana's Bob Morris is opposed to the homosexual cabal that is the Girl Scouts and New Hampshire's Kyle Jones who opposed mandatory a mandatory lunch break. The future of the GOP is bright indeed.

Watch Stephen Colbert Convert All Dead Mormons to Judaism

Matt Toder · 02/24/12 12:09AM

It recently came to Stephen Colbert's attention that the Mormons have a habit of baptizing dead Jews; even though the Church claimed to stop this practice, Anne Frank was apparently baptized for the tenth time last week. So Colbert only had one sensible choice, retaliation-wise: to convert all the dead Mormons to Judaism.

Stephen Colbert and Nancy Pelosi Debate the Ethics of Super PACs

Matt Toder · 02/23/12 12:18AM

Tonight on the Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert welcomed House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi even though she had previously told Stephen she would never appear on the show. The two debated the ethics of Super PACs and the Disclose Act in a spirited and insightful discussion.

Stephen Colbert Explains His Absence

Matt Toder · 02/20/12 11:44PM

Stephen Colbert used the opening of tonight's Colbert Report to explain the sudden two day absence of his show last week. It seems clear now that all the crazy rumors were, in fact, crazy, and that Stephen went home to attend to his 91 year old mother. And it also seems she's ok, which is great news for all the members of Colbert Nation.

Stephen Colbert Snips the Tip in the War on Religion

Matt Toder · 02/15/12 12:20AM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert took a look at the war on religion that President Obama is waging via his contraception plan. Colbert turned specific attention to the path toward tyranny that we, in Rick Santorum's view, are now on. It all ends with a guillotine and some very suggestive imagery.

Stephen Colbert Has A Raging Case of Linsanity and Some Endorsement Ideas for Jeremy Lin

Matt Toder · 02/13/12 11:43PM

A lot happened while the Colbert Report was on break last week but nothing was as captivating for Stephen Colbert as the emergence of New York Knick point guard Jeremy Lin. Stephen has been so caught up in the swirl, he is barely bothered by CNN's absurd coverage of Lin and instead has just been brainstorming about possible endorsement deals for him.

Stephen Colbert Retaliates Against Newt Gingrich for Using 'Eye of the Tiger' Without Permission

Matt Toder · 02/03/12 12:26AM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen took Newt Gingrich to task for using Survivor's hit song "Eye of the Tiger" without permission during his rallies. It was "an eye for an Eye of the Tiger" as Stephen welcomed Survivor lead singer Dave Bickler to sing part of Newt's book without permission. The result is as brilliantly absurd as anything Stephen has done in a while.

Stephen Colbert Has A Plan For All the Negative Campaigning

Matt Toder · 02/02/12 12:19AM

The fight between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich has gone totally negative and Stephen Colbert took a look at some of the nastier barbs that they have traded on tonight's Colbert Report. But beyond just dissecting their insults, Colbert has a plan to keep each of them on their toes: he's a launching a twitter campaign to keep them prepared. So come on, nation, let's all do our part.

Stephen Colbert Loves Herman Cain's Endorsement of Newt Gingrich

Matt Toder · 02/01/12 12:07AM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen took a look at some of the notable people who have come out in support of Newt Gingrich: Herman Cain, Duke Cunningham and, of course, Sarah Palin. What a well rounded bunch, those three. Taking their example, Stephen pledges his support of Newt as well. Unless Romney wins in Florida, which would change everything. Or nothing.

This Is How Stephen Colbert Got His Super PAC Money Back

Matt Toder · 01/30/12 11:59PM

Now that Stephen Colbert is no longer running for the President of the United States of South Carolina, he went to retrieve his Super PAC (and its money) from Jon Stewart. But Stewart wasn't going to give it up without a fight. Tonight's Colbert Report opened with their long and arduous chase. Here it is.