
Stephen Colbert Suggests Some More Ways Arizona Can Assert Its Rights

Matt Toder · 06/26/12 11:08PM

Supporters of Arizona's mostly-struck-down immigration policies have continuously framed the issue as one of states' rights versus federal rights. On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert suggested some other ways Arizona can assert its rights.

Let Stephen Colbert Keep You Appraised of Egypt's Fledgling Democracy

Matt Toder · 06/21/12 11:06PM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert recapped everything that's gone on with Egypt's turbulent political situation. He began, naturally, several thousand years ago and ended with the latest back and forth regarding the health of Hosni Mubarak and the results of recent elections.

Stephen Colbert's New Favorite Athlete Is Mitt Romney's Dressage Horse

Matt Toder · 06/12/12 11:07PM

With the news that a dressage horse co-owned by Ann Romney might be heading to the Olympics, Stephen Colbert has a new favorite sport. He's so committed to what is obviously America's new pastime that he's even whipped up an exciting new anthem which is sure to entice every Joe Sixpack out there.

Stephen Colbert Insists You Give His Banana Bunker A Try

Matt Toder · 06/11/12 11:08PM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert devoted some time to an important new product, one that will surely change the face of this nation: the Banana Bunker. It does exactly what you think it does, yes it protects bananas from bruising and such until you can eat them. The segment, like the product itself, is utterly perfect.

Stephen Colbert Prepares for the Zombie Apocalypse

Matt Toder · 06/05/12 11:07PM

The recent incidents of cannibalism and other heinous crimes have got Stephen Colbert thinking: maybe it's time to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen sorted through the whole mess and looked towards a possibly terrifying future.

Stephen Colbert Tries To Stay Off Obama's Kill List

Matt Toder · 05/31/12 11:30PM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert took a look at the recent revelations surrounding Obama's "kill list," and all the logical leaps that keep down the stats about civilian deaths. Turns out these numbers are pretty easy to rig as long as you completely divorce yourself from reality first.

Stephen Colbert Knows that Many Things Are Threatening America But the NYPD's Stop and Frisk Program Isn't One of Them

Matt Toder · 05/10/12 11:15PM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert broke out the Threat Down segment to count off all the ways the American way of life is on the brink. One thing that isn't threatening the country, however, is the NYPD's "stop and frisk" program, which is pretty racist on account of stopping more black men than actually live in the city. But Stephen understands the truth: that there's a tear in the universe and "stop and frisk" is our only line of defense.

The Right Has a New Favorite Artist and Stephen Colbert Loves Him Too

Matt Toder · 05/09/12 11:35PM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert examined the work of one Jon McNaughton who has quickly become the right's favorite artist. With paintings that feature President Obama burning and stepping on the Constitution, it's clear to see why they love him. The artist's claim that his work is filled with subtlety and deep meaning is a little less clear.

Stephen Colbert Gives Us Another Lesson In the Scummy Tactics of Super PACs

Matt Toder · 05/08/12 11:07PM

The shady ways that Super PACs influence elections with large anonymous donations have become a sticking point for Stephen Colbert and he revisited the issue on tonight's Colbert Report. Tonight he examined the even shadier 501(c)4 loophole where the organization never has to disclose donor information because they are technically "social welfare organizations" which is high comedy to say the least.

Stephen Colbert Has Some Ideas for New Trends in Gun Fashion

Matt Toder · 04/30/12 11:10PM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert reiterated his love for concealed weapons and discussed some of the latest advancements in clothing designed specifically for concealing, and deploying, your handgun of choice. Because nothing says America like everyone carrying a gun.

Stephen Colbert Has All The Health Tips You'll Need To Live Forever

Matt Toder · 04/25/12 11:06PM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert broke down a few recent ways that people are trying to stay healthy, or barring that, stay thin and childless. Even if you aren't all that into fitness per se, there's bound to be something in this segment that can help improve your life.