
'One Is For The Car Ride And The Other Is For The Walk From The Car To My House'

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/29/08 12:00PM

Click to Recently resurrected pop star Britney Spears looks like she has succumbed to her old vices as she was spotted double fisting frappuccinos outside of a chain coffee store over the weekend. The staff at the major chain seemed unsure about selling the second adult milkshake to the recovering singer, but Spears assured them that the second drink was for a friend out in her SUV. The coffee team quickly regretted their decision as Spears pounded one of her drinks like an inexperienced Chico State student at his first keg party. One of the employees said, “I should’ve known that she wasn’t going to share. She doesn’t look like somebody that would share. Now, Julianne Moore? That’s a woman who’ll split a pizza with you.” [Photo Credit: X17] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

Rats. They Wrote Renee Instead Of Ellen On My Drink.

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/11/08 06:15PM

Click to Normally, a crippling fear of spilling her drink order consumes Grey’s Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo on her daily Starbucks run. Instead, the baristas must’ve assumed that when she used the name, “Ellen” it was a fake name and that her real name is Renee, as in Renee Zelllweger. Pompeo tried to laugh off the case of mistaken identity, but it really got to her. Pompeo confessed, “We’re both awesome and blonde, but that’s it. That’s where the similarities end. We’re nothing alike. Two completely different people.” [Photo Credit: Flynet] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

'High School Musical' Star Not Phased By Quake, Continues Coffee Run

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/29/08 04:20PM

High School Musical trilogy star Ashley Tisdale appeared to be cool as cucumber after a 5.8 earthquake rocked the Los Angeles area. Tisdale admitted that she was a bit startled by the shaking in her home, but her caffeine related headache was far more painful. Tisdale said, "It was kind of like a ride at the fair, but my headache just made it unbearable to stare at lights or do anything. Earthquake or not, I need my Hazelnut. My headaches are worse than earthquake, trust me."