
Out of options: Three CEOs resign today

Nick Douglas · 10/11/06 11:43AM
  • McAfee's president and chairman-CEO resign after the company finds a $100 to $150 million discrepancy in the accounting of its stock options grants. McAfee notes that CEO George Samenuk is retiring, while the board fired president Kevin Weiss. [NY Times]

CNET still buying things named Chow, accidentally produces Hong Kong action flick

ndouglas · 04/25/06 08:25PM

Buying the homely-looking food site Chowhound (she must be funny or something) wasn't enough for CNET. Continuing its chowdown (ha! ha! get used to it 'cause it's the only joke the tech zines will make tomorrow), the tech-news juggernaut announced a web version (still in the oven — ok, kill me) of its freshly acquired foodie magazine, Chow. Who knows if Chow will even have a print version this time — with the magazine already kaput, CNET was really just buying editors. From the internal memo:

You know where to stick it

ndouglas · 04/06/06 06:55PM

I thought venture capitalists bent over to keep their entrepreneurs happy, not the other way around.

Remainders: The FCC doesn't suck

ndouglas · 03/17/06 06:50PM

Someone runs up a false Digg item about a Google acquisition of Sun Microsystems. Turns out that not everything linked from Digg is true. Huh. Who knew? In any case, the lesson here: Digg may be big, but it's not exactly at stock-manipulating level. [Silicon Valley Sleuth]
So tech site CNET bought dating site Consumating in December, and it picked up food site Chowhound just this month. Anyone have an idea what the plan is here? [Chowhound interview]
Ouch. Tech blogger Om Malik's great Andrew Mclaughlin (pictured) quote ("The FCC sucks") comes undone when the Google senior policy counsel writes to Om:

Tech podcasts that aren't boring

ndouglas · 02/06/06 09:11PM

Another Gillmor Gang podcast, another hour and a half of white guys saying "um." If your ears aren't bleeding within five minutes, you'll at least want to walk in and SHAKE these guys when they get distracted and start talking about Darwinism. Blogger (and Tinfinger CEO) Paul Montgomery says just what we're all thinking: cut it down! And Steve, shut up!

CNET perpetuating antiquated and incorrect blogging syntax

Jackson West · 12/31/69 07:00PM

In recent articles by CNET's Greg Sandoval and Martin LaMonica, the reporters referred to "wrote in a recent blog" and "posted a blog." Which suggests some editor at CNET is imparting a house style. And it's wrong. I'm tired enough of the word "blog" as it is, and in our crazy, mixed-up world of new media neologisms, but when I update a blog, it's with a "post" or "entry." Blog is short for "Web log," and refers to the collection of posts, entries and comments over time — yes, the hoary Chicago Manual of Style has set up rules for citing blogs, as has the AP.