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  • McAfee's president and chairman-CEO resign after the company finds a $100 to $150 million discrepancy in the accounting of its stock options grants. McAfee notes that CEO George Samenuk is retiring, while the board fired president Kevin Weiss. [NY Times]
  • CNET's CEO (co-founder Shelby Bonnie) quit over an options probe as well, after a report partially blamed him for improperly accounted backdated stock options. [Washington Post]
  • Microsoft Germany's chief quit Friday, leaving a note to employees complaining that Microsoft restricted his operations and ignored him. [Techworld]
  • Sprint Nextel chief Timothy Donahue (shown here presenting An Inconvenient Truth) announced he'll retire early, at the year's end, to "spend more time with his family and friends." As always, that phrase means he was pushed out the door but allowed the dignity of a resignation. [NY Times]