
Oil Is So Cheap Now. So What?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/14 11:16AM

While you slackers were all spending quality time with your families, the global oil markets were plummeting! This is good news, perhaps. Or maybe bad news? Let's explore how this will save—or possibly destroy—our world.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/20/14 02:19PM

Seven student activists are suing Harvard University to try to force the school to divest from fossil fuels, citing among other things the risk of "future damage to the university's physical campus as a result of sea level rise."

China Agrees to Cut Carbon Emissions for the First Time in Landmark Deal

Aleksander Chan · 11/12/14 08:32AM

President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced from Beijing today a groundbreaking joint plan for both countries to cut carbon emissions ahead of the global climate treaty expected to be finalized next year. The pact is China's first-ever pledge to stop the country's carbon emissions from growing.

Kill the Oil Companies Before They Kill Us

Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/14 12:42PM

There is a new U.N. report on climate change. Its warnings are very, very dire. It is time that the public comes to terms with the choice we face: keep fossil fuels in the ground, or face doom. Oil companies, like it or not, must be forced to change or be killed.

What Happens When There's No Insurance for Your Beach House?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/14 02:23PM

Climate change is causing rising oceans and more extreme weather. Even as beachfront development continues, beachfront living is growing ever more perilous. What happens when all the insurance companies decide to stop insuring anything by a beach?

Florida Is So Stupid

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/14 01:40PM

You may have heard that the sea levels are rising. You may have heard that over the next several decades, rising seas will threaten major coastal cities. You may have surmised that it's dumb, then, to build houses right by the water. Not Florida!

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/14 07:37AM

If you've felt a bit sweaty lately, it may be because our planet officially just experienced the hottest summer in recorded history. We must end global warming. But not before it reaches New York City for a while, because the summer here was cold as hell.

Can We Solve Global Warming For Almost Nothing?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/14 03:15PM

Much of the discussion about cutting the carbon emissions that are slowly destroying our planet centers on the supposed cost of all these new forms of clean energy. A new report suggests: what costs?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/14 04:35PM

"At least 150 major companies worldwide - including ExxonMobil, Google, Microsoft and 26 others in the United States - are already making business plans that assume they will be taxed on their carbon pollution, a report today says." So go ahead and tax them already, before we all burn up.