
True Stories of Life on the Dole

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/15 01:32PM

Across America, there is a significant political movement to restrict access to food stamps and other government aid programs for the poor. Earlier this week, we asked those of you who receive public assistance to send us your stories. The results have been overwhelming.

Elizabeth Warren Is Right About Everything

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/15 04:58PM

This afternoon, Massachusetts Senator and presidential non-candidate Elizabeth Warren spoke to a crowd of 200 sweaty fans at the Strand book store in Manhattan. Everything she said was true, which is fairly remarkable, for a politician.

The Flaws of Meritocracy

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/15 01:28PM

When questions of civil rights, or inequality, or discrimination arise, we are often reminded that we are supposed to be striving for an ideal: the ideal of meritocracy, where everyone rises and falls on their own merits. Take a moment to consider the problems with our ideal.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/27/15 02:13PM

"Gentrification tends to stop when affluent people stop wanting to move into the city," Megan McArdle says in a fine overview of the intractability of the affordable housing problem. The only real solution, it would seem, is to close the gap between the affluent and everyone else.

The Capitalist's Plan to Prevent the Revolution 

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/15 03:30PM

Paul Tudor Jones—whose net worth is $4.6 billion—is one of the most famous hedge fund managers in American history. He is a heavy donor to Republicans. And he is warning of the possibility of class-based revolution in America. Also, he has some ideas.

Spec Houses: The Kindling of the Class War

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/15 09:14AM

If and when America's class war-driven revolution begins in earnest, there would certainly be worse targets for guerilla action than unoccupied $100 million mansions—monuments to pure greed and speculation.

Income Inequality vs. Wealth Inequality

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/15 03:14PM

In the past few years, economic inequality has become a mainstream political issue. We often hear politicians speak about “income inequality.” We should be speaking about wealth inequality, instead.

Debt Forgiveness Is Real

Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/15 05:00PM

Croatia is doing one of the most utopian economic experiments you can imagine: it is clearing its poorest citizens of all their debts. Is this a good idea? Yes. Is it the only idea? Not at all.

The Top 1% Is Close to Owning Most of Everything

Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/15 01:12PM

If current trends continue—and there is no reason to suspect they won't—we may be just a year away from a time when the wealthiest 1% of people in the world control the majority of the wealth.

The Worst Building In the Gilded City

Hamilton Nolan · 01/02/15 11:57AM

Brooklyn, which used to be the part of New York City that "real people" could afford to live in, is now the least affordable housing market in America. It won't be too long now before people start getting upset about that.