
Your Boss and Your Money and Who's Your Friend

Hamilton Nolan · 09/11/15 10:35AM

You may love your job. You may love your boss. But if your boss has a problem with you getting the money you deserve, then the friendly boss is not your friend.

America's Chance to Get Mad About CEO Pay

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/15 08:36AM

Another day, another small, symbolic victory for the masses in the class war. It is from symbolic victories like these that real victories are often launched.

Hillary Clinton Is Running For Capitulator-In-Chief

Hamilton Nolan · 07/31/15 09:28AM

If Hillary Clinton’s stance on the minimum wage is any indicator, the Democratic party can expect a leader who specializes in the party’s greatest talent: capitulation.

Let the Homeless Have the Parks

Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/15 10:29AM

From time to time, New York City’s reactionary elements decide to villainize the homeless by casting them as menaces to the quality of life of decent folks. Our parks—our precious public parks—are full of homeless people, you see. Well? Good.

Choose Life for Public Unions

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/15 11:25AM

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that challenged the ability of unions to require everyone in a workplace to pay dues. Here is what is at stake in this case: the very existence of public unions.

A "Flat Tax" Is Just a Giveaway to the Rich 

Hamilton Nolan · 06/18/15 12:10PM

Libertarian-esque wet dream Rand Paul is still considered a “serious” candidate for president, in part because people have not had time to fully digest his policy prescriptions. For example: today he proposed a massive tax cut for the rich!

Hamilton Nolan · 05/22/15 11:26AM

“One prominent investor...called the rhetoric ‘class warfare’ and noted other times in history, including before World War II, when financial speculators were unfairly blamed by politicians. ‘Instead of the Jews, it’s the hedge fund managers,’ the person said.”

You Can't Get an Apartment Because Rich People Need Them All 

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/15 03:50PM

In many cities around the world—New York, San Francisco, London—most people find the rent to be unaffordable. Buying is out of the question. Perhaps that is because your city’s housing stock is now just another fungible financial instrument, like pork bellies.