
Brendan O'Connor · 10/19/15 08:43PM

“Initial observations indicate a surfer was bit by an eel, not a shark, over the weekend off Hawaii’s popular Waikiki Beach, but officials said Monday they’re working to confirm that,” the Associated Press reports. “The state does not keep records of such bites, as they do for sharks.” Stay tuned!

Bloodcopy Is Not Written by Gawker

Gabriel Snyder · 05/27/09 10:41AM

Update: That advertorial Bloodcopy post below is now clearly and accurately labeled as sponsored. Phew.

David Duchovny's Tennis Coach Denies Affair, Confirms Insatiable Need for Press

Kyle Buchanan · 10/20/08 06:00PM

Earlier today, America was introduced to Edit Pakay, the tennis coach who allegedly taught beleaguered sex addict David Duchovny more than just a one-handed backhand. "I am not going to deny it," she helpfully told The Mail. "If you want to write that we have an affair then fine. I will not argue against it." Now, though, after an abduction/probe by Duchovny's lawyers, Pakay is doing just that. Go figure! The chatty-yet-confused tennis instructor took the new version of her story to E!:

"not banksy! it's kuszyk"

Hamilton Nolan · 10/09/08 03:55PM

Well then: the mysterious hooded and bearded man photographed supervising the painting of a new Banksy mural yesterday is not Banksy; it's Williamsburg artist R. Nicholas Kuszyk! As he informed us just now in an email with the intriguing subject line: "not banksy! it's kuszyk." Who is this be-aviator shaded man of mystery? A Banksy collaborator who also paints some nice robots himself! See here:

What Does Jesse Jackson Want to do With Barack Obama's Nuts?

Pareene · 07/11/08 04:30PM

Controversy! Did Jesse Jackson want to rip Barack Obama's nuts "off" or "out"? No big deal, you say? Tell it to the Post! "Veterinarians and doctors talk about cutting nuts 'off.' Only a thug or a gangster cuts a man's nuts 'out.'" Jeff Johnson makes the importance of the distinction a little clearer: "Maybe Jackson simply does not understand human anatomy. Perhaps he tells women, in the throes of passion, that he'd like to chew on their breasts, rather than suckle them. Maybe he puts his shoes on, then his socks. Maybe he thinks that hearts don't beat, that they 'squeeze.'" [Fitted Sweats]

Lydia Hearst and Her Money Are Just Fine, Thanks

ian spiegelman · 04/26/08 11:04AM

Newspaper heiress/Page 6 Magazine contributor Lydia Hearst doesn't have a website that she's not paying the bills for. She writes us, "I wish I did not have to contact you, as I'm sure you will most-likely print this (but if you do, please respect me enough to keep my E-mail address private), but I'd like to clear something up. I do not own the site to which you are referring. I have never had an official web page, nor am I aware of who owns the site claiming to be my 'official' page. I do however have an official fan-page on Facebook. Say what you will, but please check your facts. Also, if you actually look at the page it is obvious that whoever owns it just typed those words across the screen. Have a lovely weekend. All the Best, Lydia"

For the Record

Pareene · 02/25/08 02:57PM

Tracy Sefl, the "informal conduit between the Clinton campaign and Matt Drudge," didn't have anything to do with the wacky Obama-in-dress picture that ended up embarrassing the Clinton campaign on Drudge this morning. [The Atlantic, Earlier]

Clarifying The Confusion

Maggie · 01/23/08 07:02PM

For updates on the murky details emerging from the media coverage of actor Heath Ledger's death, including drug test results performed on a rolled-up $20 bill found at his apartment, click here.

Lodwick: Not My Norbum

Pareene · 01/03/08 01:00PM

A clarification: while new media entrepreneur Jakob Lodwick did indeed invent the term "norbum," a portmanteau of "Nordstrom" and, well, "bum," then "register a few domains," he was not, specifically, one of the people involved in the homeless people-mocking site that then went up at Lodwick helpfully adds that he still reserves the right to make fun of homeless people in the future. [, Valleywag]