
Pat Kingsley

Gawker · 04/09/03 01:09PM

Cindy Adams highlights one of PR queen Pat Kingsley's dirty little tricks: When people are standing in line to shake hands with her star clients. "Unworthies get erased before his arrival. Kingsley asks such miscreants, 'Could we talk for a moment outside?' and firmly but politely removes them from the line." Send other Pat Kingsley stories to (We know you have them.)
Pat Kingsley and Tom Cruise [Cindy Adams]

Sale Johnson

Gawker · 04/05/03 02:05PM

It has been pointed out by several of you that the quote Cindy Adams attributed to socialite Sale Johnson yesterday was the text of an email forward that everyoneEVERYONE (!!!)has seen. Everyone but Cindy Adams and yours truly. Ahem. At any rate, I think we've learned a very important lesson today: no obscene amount of inherited money can buy protection from spam mail.

Cindy Adams

Gawker · 03/11/03 08:48AM

The Washington Post profiles NY Post gossip columnist Cindy Adams. And her dog, Jazzy. She talks about celebrities, her Park Avenue apartment, and New York. And her dog, Jazzy. Alright, mostly her dog, Jazzy. "Here's Manhattan's second-best known gossipeuse, wearing a mink hat dyed terror-alert orange at the Park Avenue Regency, shoving a gourmet dog treat into her own mouth, gnawing it up into smaller chunks and spitting it back out onto room-service china for an ambivalent seven-pound Yorkie...Lady, age seventyish, begs: 'Jazzy, don't you even want to try this, after I chewed it up for you?'" [Ed. noteEw.]
I woof New York [WaPo]

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 03/05/03 04:06PM

· Theater-goers will be spared Kelly Osbourne in Hairspray, as she's already booked for a Rosie O'Donnell project. [Page Six]
· Frances McDormand, the cover girl for this month's High Times magazine, says she gladly accepted a gift pack that included a joint, grinder, rolling papers and top-quality bud. "This will last me about four months." [Page Six]
· Jackie Collins' next novel includes an actress named Cat (*cough* Gwyneth *cough*) who "is blonde, independent, has a hit movie, rock star husband plus an amorous studio mogul insistent on making her do things his way or not at all." [Page Six]
· Cindy Adams takes a subtle dig at Vogue by pointing out that the rock-star treatment Anna Wintour got at the Milan fashion shows was "All for a mag that's now second in ad pages to InStyle." [Cindy Adams]
· Comic Mario Cantone on the recent terror alerts: "Yellow alert! Orange alert! Who designed the terror warning - the Gay Men's Chorus?...How could they do all this to me just as I was coming out of my depression?" [NY Daily News]

Cindy Adams, friend of the indicted

Gawker · 02/01/03 11:11AM

NY Post gossip columnist Cindy Adams says that she got her start by befriending "whoever was going to the can." The tradition is apparently still alive: "When the city desk called me and asked me, `Can you tell us where Lizzie Grubman is?' well, of course I couldn't tell them where she was, because she was sitting in my living room at the time."
At lunch with Cindy Adams [NYT]

Cindy Adams VF interview

Gawker · 01/09/03 05:24PM

NY Post gossip columnist Cindy Adams is interviewed in the February issue of Vanity Fair by George Wayne. Cindy talks about Imelda Marcos, her dog Jazzy, life without Joey, and her new book, complete with snippy but affectionate retorts to George ("you bitch.")