NY Post gossip columnist Cindy Adams is interviewed in the February issue of Vanity Fair by George Wayne. Cindy talks about Imelda Marcos, her dog Jazzy, life without Joey, and her new book, complete with snippy but affectionate retorts to George ("you bitch.")

Cindy on the Gest/Minnelli wedding:
"It was Eighteenth Century Fox, I'm telling you. The bridesmaids came out of the crypt. I was the junior memberwhat can I tell you?...Liz Taylor didn't seem to know where she was, and she forgot her shoes. They carried her in on this sedan chair and plopped her down, and she had her feet in these furry bunny slippers."

On adventures with Imelda Marcos:
"I was with Imelda, and she had turned her living room into a church. She made an altar out of a coffee table. And a priest was ready to do Mass, and all of a sudden she turned to me and said, 'I have to hide you. Doris Duke is coming up. She's going to bring me $5 million in bail.' I saw her come in with two lawyers, just before they locked me in the toilet."