
Lindsay Lohan Is Back on Boys

Brian Moylan · 11/03/09 11:05AM

Looks like has-bian Lindsay Lohan has made the switch again—this time for a famous man. Also are Jude and Sienna back together? Is Mischa back on the sauce? Is Piven growing man boobs? Questions answered in Tuesday's gossip.

Paris Hilton Gets Halloween Scare from Violent Boyfriend

Brian Moylan · 11/02/09 11:05AM

Like the Tim Curry song says, anything can happen on Halloween. Paris Hilton can get choked, Real Housewives can bury the hatchet, Tinsley Mortimer can tape a reality show, Elton John can get sick. It's Monday morning's leftover gossip candy.

Ivanka Bites Back

cityfile · 10/28/09 02:28PM

Ivanka Trump is denying Cindy Adams' report yesterday that her wedding invitations contained a "marketing flyer" for her dad's golf courses. (Not sure if it it's better or worse, but earlier this month the Times described it as an "insert" that "offered guests a free round of golf at one of Mr. Trump's courses.") In any event, Ivanka is probably happier to hear that the press has responded much more enthusiastically to her dress. Ivanka looked "sensational" and the gown "made a fresh statement," says Cathy Horyn of the Times. "Maybe she'll have an influence on brides." Or on the direct mail business. [NYT, NYM]

The Reinvention of Cindy Adams

cityfile · 08/31/09 08:22AM

It's certainly nice to see Cindy Adams finally embrace her Hispanic heritage, isn't it? Let's hope she shares a few more of these previously unreported tidbits when she opens up her Park Avenue apartment for "four nights only" at the end of September and gets attendees to pay $250 a ticket to hear her tell stories in her living room. [New Yorker]

The John Edwards Sex Tape: "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"

Foster Kamer · 06/28/09 10:00AM

A former aide says there's tape out there of John Edwards ridin' dirty! Jon Gosselin is enjoying his first few days of freedom, with frisbee! Elliot Spitzer thinks he's better than Mark Sanford. Presenting your politics-happy Sunday morning gossip roundup:

The Exceeding Exhaustion Of Susan Boyle

Foster Kamer · 06/14/09 10:30AM

Susan Boyle's "exhausted" again, Dustin Lance Black's sorry, Cindy Adams knows where you should hide your cash, Prince Harry's dating a floozy, and Salman Rushdie's a third boob. Oh, and: Ron Burkle and whores. Here's your Sunday morning gossip roundup:

Cindy Adams Takes a Stand

cityfile · 06/01/09 09:13AM

A couple of weeks ago, state officials issued a report indicating New York City may need a new area code in the near future. It seems phone numbers for the 718 and 347 area codes—which are in use in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx—will run out by late 2011. Cindy Adams doesn't live in any of those boroughs (her apartment is a Park Avenue penthouse, thank you very much), but she's still outraged by the prospect: "Making someone get another area code is like making them move to the back of the bus. It's discrimination."

Caroline Kennedy Is a Mom Above All Else

cityfile · 05/05/09 11:06AM

Why did Caroline Kennedy "abandon" her bid take over Hillary Clinton's vacant Senate seat? It had nothing to do with rumored tax troubles, her uncle's medical troubles, her plunging poll numbers, or the fact she torpedoed her own chances with a series of disastrous performances on the campaign trail. It was because she didn't want to expose her poor kids to the rough and tumble of the political process, naturally. At least that's the spin contained in Edward Klein's new book, Ted Kennedy: The Dream That Never Died. Not that we'd expect this revelation to have an impact on Cindy Adams's assertion that Kennedy will be elected president in 2016. After all, Adams stuck to her claim McCain would win the 2008 election until the beginning of the November! [Vanity Fair]