
Rudolph Balloon Brutally Murdered During Christmas Parade Gone Awry

Matt Cherette · 12/06/10 09:29PM

One highlight of last Saturday's Christmas parade in Richmond, VA—besides random people on Segways—was supposed to be a giant Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer balloon. Unfortunately, a stop light got in Rudolph's way, and... watch the tragedy unfold, inside.

Santa Claus Is Listening, You Bastards

Hamilton Nolan · 12/06/10 05:15PM

The Way We Live Now: stocking up on outrage. You can't blow all your outrage at once during this long and protracted class war. You have to parcel it out. Like budgeting for food, or cable, or your upcoming funeral.

Watch Susan Boyle's Disastrous Performance on The View

Matt Cherette · 11/30/10 04:06PM

Today, Susan Boyle performed "O Holy Night" on The View. About 30 seconds into the performance, Boyle's voice cracked so badly that she was forced to cut it short, before Sherri Shepherd and Whoopi Goldberg awkwardly danced around the debacle.

What Do You Really Want for Christmas?

Brian Moylan · 11/26/10 04:05PM

Since it's Black Friday, people are probably already pestering you about what gifts you want for Christmas. You'll ask for some small things, but what's on your real list? What items are too inappropriate to ask for?

Your Guide to Black Friday Shopping

Max Read · 11/25/10 04:04PM

Black Friday is upon us! It's the biggest shopping day of the year, and to help you out we've put together some holiday-shopping tips and tricks to so you get the best out of your orgiastic celebration of waste:

Lamps Élysées

Max Read · 11/24/10 12:42AM

[The French are so ready for the holidays they've already lit the Christmas lights along the Champs Elysees in Paris. Photo via Getty]

Not a Creature Was Stirring

Max Read · 11/17/10 03:11AM

[It's too early for Christmas, but we can make an except for the Everland Zoo in South Korea, because it's never too early for penguins dressed in Santa and reindeer costumes. Click through for more. Images via Getty.]