
Bill Maher Releases Another Embarrassing Christine O'Donnell Clip

Matt Cherette · 10/02/10 01:24AM

Bill Maher vowed to release a clip of Christine O'Donnell on Politically Incorrect every week until she appears on Real Time. Tonight's revelation: O'Donnell was more than a witch—she dabbled in Buddhism and Hare Krishna, too! Video inside.

Jon Stewart: There's No Difference Between Republicans and Tea-Baggers

Matt Cherette · 09/20/10 10:27PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart discussed Christine O'Donnell and pointed out a) Karl Rove's criticism of her, and b) Rove's subsequent flip-flip on the issue after pressure from Sarah Palin/others. Then, Stewart blew holes in the "Republicans and Tea-Baggers are different!" argument.