
Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/14 04:01PM

America's Catholic bishops are considering whether their voter's guide's "discussion of evil, now focused on abortion and racism, should be revisited in light of the pope's description of economic inequality as a social evil." Well... let's not be hasty.

Justin Bieber Baptized, Washes Away Racism

Jason Parham · 06/09/14 12:43PM

Pop megastar and recovering racist Justin Bieber was reportedly baptized—in a bathtub. TMZ is reporting that Bieber underwent "intense" Bible study with Pastor Carl Lentz over the course of the last few weeks, all of which concluded with the singer getting baptized in New York City. Despite wanting to keep the ceremony hush hush, Bieber's cover kept getting blown every time he visited a church, so he ultimately decided to take a dip in a friend's bathtub.

Official Moves to Christianize His County After Supreme Court Ruling

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 01:50PM

Al Bedrosian is a good Christian. He believes in corporal punishment but not in global warming. He ran for a seat on his Virginia county board promising to bring the Lord Christ back into its meetings. With the grace of God and John Roberts, he's keeping his promise.

Alabama Legislators Approve Bill Requiring School Prayer Every Morning

Adam Weinstein · 02/24/14 12:31PM

A key committee in Alabama's House of Representatives has pushed through a bill requiring teachers and students at all of the state's public schools to spend 15 minutes every morning in Christian prayer, even though a majority of legislators present say they opposed the measure.

Israel’s Government Declares War on Christmas

J.K. Trotter · 12/26/13 11:35AM

The War on Christmas continues—in Israel. According to the Associated Press, the speaker of Israel’s parliament rejected a request from Hana Sweid, a Christian-Arab Knesset member, to display a Christmas tree at the legislature’s building. The speaker, Yuli Edelstein of the center-right Likud party, initially cited logistical issues, but clarified today that he specifically denied the request because the Christmas tree threatened to offend the country’s majority Jewish population:

A Wal-Mart Worker Asks: Can I Pray Out Loud at Work?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/29/13 01:53PM

Due to our history as a platform for true Wal-Mart stories, we sometimes receive emails from beleaguered Wal-Mart employees, venting their frustrations. Today, we have our holiest Wal-Mart conundrum yet. Can you help?

Five More Myths About Jesus

Hamilton Nolan · 09/27/13 12:44PM

In the Washington Post today, Reza Aslan debunks five myths about Jesus—he wasn't born in Bethlehem, he was not an only child, etc. But what is this mythbuster not telling you? Scholars say there are at least five more myths about Jesus.

Thanks to Donald Trump, "Christian Evangelical" Is Now an Empty Phrase

Adam Weinstein · 04/26/13 07:52AM

"Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." What a crock of shit.