
Are You Feeding Your Kids Enough Cholesterol?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/08/12 08:39AM

In the fabled "golden age" of America, parents were able to rest easy knowing that their kids would have good schools to attend, safe neighborhoods in which to play, and ample cholesterol-enriched food to consume as they grew. No more. Schools are hell; parks are weed-infested; and children just like yours are eating food severely lacking in precious cholesterol. Is your child's internal reserve of cholesterol at risk?

Drink Enough Milk or Die

Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/10 02:43PM

Cholesterol kids! Weight loss drugs! Glucosamine failure! Skin cancer diversity! Proper sneeze coverage! And your daily milk needs, revealed! It's your Monday Health Watch column, where we watch your health: with supplemental protein!