
Time For the Next Global Financial Panic? Maybe!

Hamilton Nolan · 06/29/15 08:33AM

Though is not technically in the business of sophisticated financial analysis of the global economy, we must report to you this morning that it may be time to panic.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/26/15 09:00AM

China’s stock market, almost universally acknowledged to be one of the world’s foremost bubbles, dropped more than 7% today, which is enough to cause widespread speculation that the bubble is popping, but not enough to make Chinese stocks a good investment.

Uber Cracks Down on Chinese Drivers' Right to Protest

Jay Hathaway · 06/15/15 04:50PM

Uber warned its drivers in China last Friday to stay away from mass protests against the ride-sharing service in the interest of “social order,” and threatened to fire any driver caught lingering near a protest scene, the Wall Street Journal reports. The company said it intended to enforce the order by tracking drivers’ GPS records to catch anyone who might disobey.

China's Pro-Putin Propaganda Video: Putin, You Are So Handsome

Ashley Feinberg · 05/08/15 01:45PM

Russia and China’s ever-growing, often bizarre partnership, while usually cause for concern, has created something positively beautiful: This breathless, handjob of a propaganda video to Putin, with love, from China. P.S. Love your big muscles.

China Agrees to Cut Carbon Emissions for the First Time in Landmark Deal

Aleksander Chan · 11/12/14 08:32AM

President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced from Beijing today a groundbreaking joint plan for both countries to cut carbon emissions ahead of the global climate treaty expected to be finalized next year. The pact is China's first-ever pledge to stop the country's carbon emissions from growing.