
Is a TV Falling Onto Your Child Right Now?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/12 11:43AM

Is your child going to be killed by a falling TV? Have you even thought about it? Probably not, because what do you even care? You never loved me, and you're not my real mom anyhow. The point here is, the next falling TV may land on top of your child.

Nina DiSesa To Bloggers: Stop Attacking Children!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/08 01:02PM

McCann Erickson ad agency exec Nina DiSesa has already made clear her feelings that ad industry bloggers are bitter losers, who bear some responsibility for the suicide of Chicago ad exec Paul Tilley. But in a just-posted new video interview, she expands on the real villains: "The blogs that attack the children." She thinks they should all be outlawed! Quite right, cause there's a lot of ad industry blogs that attack children and stuff, I guess, or something. DiSesa does display her canny understanding of the digital age by acknowledging, "It's fun to have a really good blog on your computer and to engage in it." Okay! The full clip, helpfully titled "Are bloggers dangerous?", is below.