
Supreme Court Denies Child Porn Victim Full Restitution

Michelle Dean · 04/25/14 10:59AM

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court issued a decision in Paroline v. United States. The case raised an emotional issue — the right of a victim of a child pornographer to compensation for the pain and suffering the dissemination of her images caused — and then wrapped it up in a lot of legalese about restitution and causation and statutory construction. And what comes out of it is a simple conclusion: that Congress needs to act if we want to create a solution.

Officers Shot During Kiddie Porn Bust at Harry Potter Movie

Brian Moylan · 07/18/11 03:03PM

cops were injured by "friendly fire" while trying to apprehend a child pornography suspect while he attended a midnight screening of the most recent Harry Potter movie. There are so many inappropriate "wand" jokes to make right now.

High School Yearbook Publishes Kiddie Porn by Accident

Brian Moylan · 06/16/11 04:56PM

Big Bear High School in California has recalled all of its students' yearbooks after it was discovered that photos of child porn were published in the yearbook by mistake. If students don't return the book, they'll be in danger of being arrested for possessing kiddie porn. Zoinks!