
Here Is Your Tasteless Muslim Terror-Bomber Birthday Greeting Card

Adam Weinstein · 05/03/13 09:07PM

Walking through a Chicago store, a Muslim activist spotted the perfect birthday card for the Fox News-hounds in our lives, featuring an adorable hijab-wearing doll with an explosive secret. Why is a tasteless greeting card newsworthy? Well, it turns out there's a little more going on behind the veil here.

Low-Wage Workers Go on Strike in Chicago, Demanding $15 Per Hour

Cord Jefferson · 04/24/13 10:55AM

An estimated 500 workers from various fast food restaurants and retail stores around Chicago went on strike this morning. The employees, from restaurants like McDonald’s and Subway and stores like Sears, Nike, and Victoria's Secret, are demanding an increase in the minimum wage—to $15—and for the ability to unionize.

6-Month-Old Shot Five Times, Dies After Shooting in Chicago

Taylor Berman · 03/12/13 09:09PM

A six-month-old died Tuesday morning, the day after she was the victim of a shooting in Chicago. The baby, Jonylah Watkins, was shot five times, reportedly while her father, the reported target of the shooting, changed her diaper in his mini-van in Chicago's Woodlawn neighborhood. The father, Jonathan Watkins, was also shot several times and was taken to a nearby hospital, where he remains in critical condition.

Major Snowstorm to Blanket Chicago, D.C., May Hit New York

Max Read · 03/05/13 08:08AM

Chicago and Minneapolis are bracing themselves for over 10 inches of snow as a major winter storm—the season's last, let's hope—gears up to blanket the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic, and possibly even hit New York and Boston. The storm, currently hovering around the Great Lakes, has already started snowing over Minnesota, and will dump nearly a foot on Midwestern cities over the course of Tuesday and Tuesday night, before heading southeast toward West Virginia, Virginia and D.C., where six to 15 inches of wet, heavy snow could knock out power. From there, meteorologists believe it could swing back up northwards instead of on out to sea, leaving New York City with six inches and Boston with as many as 12. Snowplows were deployed in Chicago early this morning. Cancellations at O'Hare are likely. In D.C. they're calling it "Snowquester"; on the Weather Channel they're calling it "Saturn." We will be calling it neither of those things. [Chicago Tribune | AccuWeather | | Boston Globe]

Chicago Teenager Shot and Killed Hours After Her Sister Sat Behind Obama at Speech About Gun Control

Taylor Berman · 02/17/13 07:54PM

Hours after her sister sat behind President Obama during his speech in Chicago on Friday, 18-year-old Janay McFarlane was killed by a gunshot wound to the head. If this sounds familiar, it's because it is; not three weeks ago, 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton was killed by stray gunfire in Chicago, just days after performing at Obama's second inauguration. MacFarlane's 14-year old sister Destiny is a student at Hyde Park Career Academy, the school Obama visited on Friday to speak about Chicago's gun violence.

Cashmere Capes, Michael Jackson's Hat, and a Rolex: What Jesse Jackson Jr. Bought with His Fraud Money

Cord Jefferson · 02/15/13 06:07PM

Civil rights scion and disgraced former congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. was officially charged today with, among other things, conspiracy to misuse around three-quarters of a million dollars in campaign funds. According to papers filed in a Washington, D.C., U.S. District Court today, Jackson, who was still a congressman at the time, used donor money to buy everything from a $43,000 gold Rolex to cashmere capes—capes, plural—to nearly $20,000 of Michael Jackson memorabilia. The documents allege that Jackson and a co-conspirator used a campaign credit card to make $582,772.58 of purchases for personal use, and that Jackson debited another $60,000 directly out of the campaign's account.

Robert Kessler · 02/07/13 06:06PM

Michelle Obama will attend the funeral for the 15 year old shot to death just days after performing at the inauguration.

The Chicago City Employee That Made $91,000 in Overtime in 2012 Has Things Figured Out

Jordan Sargent · 01/22/13 07:30PM

Ever wanted to be a policeman in Chicago? No? Me neither! But maybe we should all consider career changes, seeing as a few Chicago policemen (and other various city personnel) are probably making much more than you or I in overtime pay alone. The Inspector General of Chicago recently released its report for the fourth quarter of 2012, which includes the amount of overtime paid to city employees last year. It is a list of people that have figured their shit out.

CVS Manager Fatally Strangles Homeless Man for Shoplifting Toothpaste

Mallory Ortberg · 01/19/13 01:40PM

Surveillance footage capturing a homeless man's death in the alley behind a CVS pharmacy in Chicago in 2010 was released today, showing several minutes of the attack in which store manager Pedro Villarosa held down and strangled 35-year-old Anthony Kyser while six passersby helped hold him down.