Ron Burkle Mistress And Tell-All Author Was Twice-Bankrupt
Maggie · 10/24/07 12:45PM
Poor supermarket mogul, Clinton pal and alleged Radar investor Ron Burkle can't go anywhere without getting extorted. Today's Page Six and Rush & Molloy both report that Chevyn McClintock, an antiques dealer or interior decorator depending on who you ask, is shopping a memoir about her two-year affair with Burkle. He is, by her account, a "sexually inept lover" and "If Academy Awards were given for faking sexual gratification, I would have many, because he had zero sensuality and did not know how to please a woman." Ouch. McClintock's website boasts of her "birth into a classic, traditional, elegant American family," and her "beautiful, gracious life," as a feng shui master, a "rare wine advisor" (now that'd be a pretty sweet gig) and a "lifestyle expert." We checked into Ms. McClintock's lifestyle expertise. It sure looks to us like Chevyn Grappi McClintock is one and the same as Chevyn Hurwitz Grappi, a 45-year-old Texan for whom records show a DWI conviction and some pretty serious financial issues.