Ron Burkle Mistress And Tell-All Author Was Twice-Bankrupt

Poor supermarket mogul, Clinton pal and alleged Radar investor Ron Burkle can't go anywhere without getting extorted. Today's Page Six and Rush & Molloy both report that Chevyn McClintock, an antiques dealer or interior decorator depending on who you ask, is shopping a memoir about her two-year affair with Burkle. He is, by her account, a "sexually inept lover" and "If Academy Awards were given for faking sexual gratification, I would have many, because he had zero sensuality and did not know how to please a woman." Ouch. McClintock's website boasts of her "birth into a classic, traditional, elegant American family," and her "beautiful, gracious life," as a feng shui master, a "rare wine advisor" (now that'd be a pretty sweet gig) and a "lifestyle expert." We checked into Ms. McClintock's lifestyle expertise. It sure looks to us like Chevyn Grappi McClintock is one and the same as Chevyn Hurwitz Grappi, a 45-year-old Texan for whom records show a DWI conviction and some pretty serious financial issues.
That DWI conviction for Grappi was in Texas, way back in 1982.
If one consolidates all the reports, she is possibly named Chevyn Hurwitz Grappi McClintock Getty—although sometimes she takes a middle initial of N., and sometimes her first name is spelled as "Chevryn," and the "Getty" only arises from Page Six's claim that she married Christopher Getty.
The Daily News reports that Grappi met Burkle when she decorated his Beverly Hills residence. McClintock's website mentions the "historic Greenacres estate" among the "notable interior environments" she's been responsible for.
Grappi doesn't mention, however, that she filed for individual bankruptcy in Los Angeles in 1998 and then again in 2003 in San Antonio, TX. Grappi's website mentions her organization, "Corporate Wives," which she created "to address the very important home, lifestyle, and personal needs of affluent individuals...The objective is personal estate management to create an atmosphere impeccably designed and maintained."
Besides the fact that a more apt title would apparently be "Corporate Mistresses," Grappi wouldn't exactly be our first pick (were we affluent individuals) to manage our personal estates. In the late 90s, Grappi was taken to court over nearly $60,000 in debt owed to various creditors. Given that address records show Grappi has spent the last two years residing at various upscale hotels like The Carlton and Wall Street's The Regent, we wouldn't be surprised if cash was a little tight at the moment. Perhaps now would be a good time to take a supermarket mogul to the cleaners!
McClintock did not respond to a voicemail message and an email this morning.