
Chelsea Handler Talks to Nelly About Sex Swings and Dating

Kate Erskine · 11/19/10 10:35AM

Last night, Handler interviewed Nelly, who brought her a very special gift to share with her alleged boyfriend 50 Cent. For once in her life, Handler actually seemed a bit embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject to Nelly's love life.

Chelsea Handler Discusses the Imminent Extinction of Soap Operas

Kate Erskine · 11/17/10 06:20PM

As people who are obsessed with television, you have probably noticed the decline of the soap opera, and if you are like Chelsea Handler, this is very upsetting for you. Watch Handler remind us why they really are so amazing.

Chelsea Handler Introduces Us to The Losers Who Date Robots

nightintern · 11/03/10 10:30AM

Does this make you feel better or worse about your love life? Apparently, thousands of American men would rather have sex with a machine than a human, because "robots don't break your heart." Yeah, that seems like pretty solid logic.

Justin Bieber Exploited in the Name of Nail Polish

Arielle Sklar · 10/14/10 05:15PM

The powerful pop singer is apparently launching a nail polish line for his target audience—tween girls. Speculative sources on Chelsea Lately claim the ubiquitous sixteen year old musician is more interested in pranks than entrepreneurship.

Kristen Bell: "Three-Ways Hurt A Lot of Feelings"

Kate Erskine · 09/24/10 02:45PM

In addition to discussing the difficulties of three-way kissing, Kristen Bell talked to Chelsea Handler about being a Jersey Shore superfan, as well as receiving strange, possibly drunk, texts from Cher. You can drunk text us anytime, Cher!

Chelsea Handler Rips on Kate Hudson's Love Life

Kate Erskine · 09/10/10 10:45AM

Chelsea Handler and co. took time to laugh at Kate Hudson's prolific dating life. Watch as Chelsea and friends discuss Kate's most recent fling, her unrealistic views of relationships and what she has in common with Radio City Music Hall.