
John Mayer Tries To Scare Himself Straight

Ryan Tate · 04/03/08 07:16AM
  • Blogger Perez Hilton is claiming he made out with a bisexual John Mayer. This disturbing visual comes a few days after singer Mayer posted a long rambling thing to his blog "about a young guy who maintains a celebrity blog... who has wrestled with a lifelong battle for acceptance as a gay man." [Perez] (Photo via Perez)

Mark Graham · 03/04/08 08:42PM

While she may not be a "power lesbian" publicist on the scale of Ellen Page's notoriously hard-assed rep Kelly Bush, Radar is reporting that Sandra Bernhard's longtime ladyfriend, Sara Switzer, may have used her clout as a Vanity Fair publicist to secure Bernhard a spot in VF's upcoming spread of twelve Chicks With Schticks (their pun, not ours). Now that that mystery has been solved, we can move onto the more pressing matter of finding out how Chelsea Handler got herself included on this list. After all, last time we checked, Ted Harbert hadn't vacated his post as the President and CEO of the Comcast Entertainment Group for the colder East Coast confines of Condé Nast. [Radar]

How To Fuck Up The American Version Of Your Hit British Sitcom

mark · 07/13/07 07:56PM

· "I can answer that with three letters: N-B-C. Very, very good writing team. Very, very good cast. The network fucked it up because they intervened endlessly. If you really want a job to work, don't get Jeff Zucker's team to come help you because they're not funny ...." [Note: This is a (slightly) revised transcription of the quote reported by TV Week that we originally posted.]
· Courtney Love is looking better than ever.
· Is there actually a Transformers fan insane enough to bid $40,000 on a prop, or is some prankster interfering with eBay's invisible hand of commerce?
· "I really want to do a different take on the celebrity interview. The last thing I want to see is Nicole Kidman talking about what movie she's going to be in. I want to talk to Nicole Kidman's neighbor about what's going on with Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban when he's pretending not to drink." That's admirable and all, but the big question for Chelsea Lately's Chelsea Handler: Will even Kidman's neighbor be willing to slum it on an 11:30pm show on E!?