
ISIS Didn't Actually Tweet a "Warning" About the Chattanooga Shooting

Andy Cush · 07/16/15 05:26PM

This afternoon, an apparent ISIS supporter tweeted the above image along with the text “O Americans Dogs soon YOU Will see wonders #Chattanooga #USA #ISIS,” and some in the right-wing media reported that the tweet constituted an advance warning about the deadly attack. The only problem: It was posted long after the shooting began.

Four Marines Killed at Tennessee Military Reserve Center

Taylor Berman · 07/16/15 11:22AM

A gunman reportedly opened fire at several locations this morning in Chattanooga, Tenn, including at a strip mall that houses several military recruitment center. At least one person—a police officer—has reportedly been wounded. (UPDATES)

96-Year-Old Black Woman Denied Voter ID in Tennessee

Lauri Apple · 10/06/11 06:29AM

To apply for a photo ID—now required of voters under a new Tennessee law—96-year-old Dorothy Cooper gathered up a bunch of documents and took them all to her local photo ID office in Chattanooga. But a clerk said her docs didn't prove that her last name was really Cooper, and denied her application. Score one for the purity of the ballot box!