
Fat Cat Climbs Ladder

nightintern · 05/04/10 09:30AM

This surprisingly agile fat cat climbs up a ladder and tries to catch its own tail at the top.

Cat Adopts Baby Bunny

Robyn Caplan · 05/03/10 09:30AM

A cat adopts a baby bunny and raises it along with her own litter of kittens.

How Your Cat Will Try to Kill You: One Woman's Story

Max Read · 04/30/10 12:50AM

Jackie Ostermiller of Rexburg, Idaho, thought her cat loved her. But the cat had other plans—murderous plans. Luckily for all of us, the KIDK CBS 3 local news team was there get Jackie's story. And film the aftermath.

The Best of Kitty Pratfalls

nightintern · 04/29/10 09:30AM

Cats falling, cats batting babies, cats hitting, cats jumping on dogs. and more.

Kitten Plays With Motorized Mouse

nightintern · 04/26/10 09:30AM

This adorable kitten loves playing with her motorized mouse toy. Stalking, jumping, running, she does it all.

YouTube Cats Hate George W. Bush

Devon Irete · 04/23/10 02:08PM

Jimmy Kimmel premiered a video that takes all those cats from YouTube and lets them express how they probably don't really feel. Namely, their disdain for the new Bush Presidential Library and the endangered lives of feral cats living there.

Did Kim Kardashian Torture a Cat?

Maureen O'Connor · 04/20/10 10:50AM

A lady famous for having a ginormous ass turned herself into a walking pussy joke yesterday when she tweeted a sexy picture of herself manhandling a cat. Now she stands accused of animal abuse.

Cat Chased by a Herd of Puppies

nightintern · 04/19/10 09:30AM

This poor kitten is getting chased and terrorized by a herd of puppies. What is a cat to do? Bust a Matrix move and have your owner set it to the soundtrack.

Fat Cat Can't Jump On Counter

nightintern · 04/15/10 09:00AM

This cat has a hard time jumping on the counter because it is so, so fat. Awww, cat, you are adorable.

Bipedal Cat Sees Your Every Move

Elaine Moran · 04/06/10 09:50AM

No one does surrealism like the French, so it makes perfect sense that French cats walk on two legs and have their own inner electropop soundtrack. Be advised-this one's watching you.

Cats on Toilets

Michael Jordan · 04/05/10 09:30AM

Check out this cute compilations of cats using the toilet. So civilized, these felines.

Gorilla Gets A Kitten

Elaine Moran · 03/31/10 02:11PM

Koko the gorilla has had several pet cats, and today she is picking a new one! She selects Tigger, a little orange and white ball of adorable.

Cat Invades Morning Routine

Jessica Poolt · 03/30/10 09:30AM

Imagine getting ready in the morning while balancing a cat on your head, its tail only millimeters away from your mouth as you brush your teeth. According to this video, that's what this woman has to deal with. She secretly likes it.

Surprised Cat

Michael Jordan · 03/22/10 10:56AM

You won't notice it at first, but wait for it...wait for it...there, that is one very surprised cat. I wonder what it has seen.

Angry Lynx In The Kitchen

Elaine Moran · 03/18/10 09:30AM

This woman seems to think that taunting her pet lynx is cute. That's because she's stupid. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow...but mauling is imminent.

Britain Tries to Ban Party Drug “Meow Meow”

Jeff Neumann · 03/17/10 05:15AM

The recent deaths of two teens have been blamed on the legal drug mephedrone, which is marketed as plant fertilizer, and causes "headaches, palpitations, nausea, high blood pressure, a burning throat, nose bleeds and purple joints, weight loss and insomnia."