
What Does a Pope Do?

Caity Weaver · 03/14/13 10:31AM

On Wednesday, a bunch of old men vacationing in Italy selected an Argentine man named Jorge Bergoglio as America's Next Top Pope.

Prominent Catholic Friar on 'Poor Guy' Sandusky: 'A Lot of Cases, the Youngster Is the Seducer'

Max Read · 08/30/12 01:57PM

Father Benedict Groeschel, a prominent friar, television host, and director of the Office for Spiritual Development for the Catholic Archdiocese of New York, gave an interview to the National Catholic Register this week. It's been taken down — why? Probably because Groeschel claimed that "in a lot of cases" of abuse, "the youngster... is the seducer." And expressed sympathy with Jerry Sandusky.

First Ever Catholic Bishop Indicted in Sex Abuse Case

Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/11 03:19PM

A Kansas City grand jury has indicted Robert Finn (pictured, at right), the city's Roman Catholic bishop, for failing to report suspected sexual abuse of a child by a priest in his district. "The indictment is the first ever of a Catholic bishop in the 25 years since the scandal over sexual abuse by priests first became public in the United States." Well, I guess we can put that behind us.

The Pope Is Now Tweeting

Max Read · 06/28/11 11:34PM

Someone (God?) gave Pope Benedict XVI an iPad, and today he became the first pope to Tweet (that we know of) when he announced his plans to exhume Pope John Paul II and put his corpse on trial. Just kidding! That was a different pope.

Severed Head of Genital Disease Patron Saint for Sale

Max Read · 05/25/11 07:15PM

Attention, discerning auctiongoers! The head of St. Vitalis of Assisi — the patron saint of genital disease — is up for auction in Ireland this coming Sunday. Obama must be so bummed he just left!

Stephen Colbert Becomes a Jew for Lent

Matt Cherette · 03/09/11 11:50PM

On tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert—with his forehead still adorned with ash—decided that he'd give up Catholicism for Lent. Interesting! Then, Colbert decided to take up Judaism. And then, he gave up "not eating bacon" for Jewish Lent.

The Four View Hosts Unite Against Catholic Hypocrisy

Matt Toder · 12/23/10 12:30PM

On today's View, the hosts discussed the reaction to a segment they did yesterday, where they took the Catholic church to task for excommunicating a nun who facilitated an abortion to save the mother's life. Their defense inside.

Why Does the Pope Hate the Internet?

Adrian Chen · 11/13/10 03:58PM

I don't hate the Pope. Hell, I hardly even know him. Couldn't pick him out of a crowd of old German dudes wearing mitres and carrying jewel-encrusted wands. So why's he going around shit-talking people who use the Internet?

Alleged Pedophilia Victim Arrested for Beating Priest

Max Read · 10/30/10 04:02PM

Police have arrested a man in connection with the May beating that sent 65-year-old retired Jesuit priest Jerold Lindner to the hospital—and the suspect, it turns out, is an alleged victim of abuse at the hands of Lindner.

Scots Create Special Plaid for Pope's Visit

Max Read · 09/09/10 11:08PM

[Scotland created a special tartan (plaid pattern) to commemorate the Pope's visit! Here, Cardinal Keith Patrick O'Brien and piper Louise Marshall Millington unveil the thing. Plans to specially deep-fry a Mars bar were scrapped. Pics via Getty. Click for close-ups.]