
Casey Anthony Only Googled 'Chloroform' Once

Maureen O'Connor · 07/19/11 12:37PM

Due to some mystifying computer error, the computer programmer who told police that a comically evil Casey Anthony googled "chloroform" 84 times now says she only googled it once. John Bradley also says he alerted the authorities to the staggering error, but they went ahead and pretended Casey (or whoever was using her computer) was obsessed with chloroform, anyway.

Experts Agree: Casey Anthony Should Keep a Low Profile

Jeff Neumann · 07/18/11 05:06AM

The media hysteria surrounding convicted-by-cable television personality Casey Anthony isn't going away anytime soon: Who is sheltering her? Will she write a book? When does her TV special air? These are all very important questions for a public that demands justice. And while reporters stalk her every move, the experts are coming out to suggest some very ingenious ways for Anthony to handle her new found freedom. One PR consultant went out on a limb, telling the Boston Herald that "she should definitely go underground for awhile." And Greg John, chairman of KHJ Brand Activation told the paper that the Casey Anthony brand is going to be a tough sell to the American public: "Reality is perception, and 90 percent of the people in this country think she is guilty. The best thing for her to do is lay low and have everyone forget."

Casey Anthony Freed

Max Read · 07/17/11 09:51AM

You may want to block your aunt on Facebook for the next couple days: Casey Anthony was released from jail just after midnight, 12 days after being acquitted of charges that she murdered her daughter Caylee. [CNN]

Woman Nearly Killed For Looking Like Casey Anthony

Seth Abramovitch · 07/15/11 03:17AM

There seems to be a rash of confusion lately over the identity of the one, true Casey Anthony. On Wednesday, some people seemed to think she was a black man living in a Philadelphia suburb. (His name is Casey Anthony, too.) Now we have the unfortunate case of Oklahoma resident Sammay Blackwell (pictured, right), who does look a little like Casey Anthony. (Not the black man, though — the white woman from Orlando acquitted of killing her daughter. You see how confusing this can get?)

Casey Anthony Is Now a Justification for Our Terrorism Policy

Jim Newell · 07/11/11 01:43PM

No one likes to talk about this particular sphere of gridlock in American public life anymore, but let's rehash it for old time's sake: Why can't we try terrorism suspects in U.S. criminal courts instead of Guantanamo military commissions?

Nancy Grace Can't Let Casey Anthony Go

Matt Cherette · 07/10/11 08:27PM

After a Florida jury acquitted Casey Anthony of murdering her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, on Tuesday, some were hoping HLN host Nancy Grace would finally eat crow for the years-long media war she waged against Anthony. She didn't, of course. And it's clear she won't be letting the case go anytime soon either.

The Gods Send Mixed Message About Casey Anthony Verdict

Richard Lawson · 07/08/11 01:21PM

It seems that Zeus, mighty god of thunder and lightning, or Thor or somebody, is upset about the Casey Anthony murder trial. Mere hours after Anthony was told she'd soon be out of jail, lightning struck a makeshift memorial set up for Anthony's late daughter Caylee.

Andrea Peyser Writes Scintillating Casey Anthony Fanfic

Richard Lawson · 07/08/11 10:10AM

Everyone's favorite New York Post sex monster Andrea Peyser has once again dipped her pen in sexy red ink and written a hot-blooded crime noir about the acquittal of "tot mom" Casey Anthony. It's dark, folks. Our usual chronicler of Ms. Peyser's Zane-like tone poems is out today, so I think it best to just let Ms. Peyser speak for herself.

Nancy Grace Knows You Hate Her

Seth Abramovitch · 07/08/11 02:00AM

The Hollywood Reporter has an interview with Nancy Grace, the fiery legal commenter who has seen some ratings success hosting shows like Casey Anthony Right Now, Target: Casey Anthony, The Casey Anthony Report and Casey Anthony: The Devil in 3D on CAC: the Casey Anthony Channel. (Check your cable listings.) But for those of you who feel she may have, say, crossed an invisible ethical line by exploiting this one case ad nauseam for her own personal and financial gains, make no mistake: She absolutely did. But she says she didn't.

Casey Anthony Will be Free in 6 Days

Maureen O'Connor · 07/07/11 10:12AM

Though she escaped the death penalty in the trial over her daughter's death, Casey Anthony has been sentenced to four years in jail for lying to police during the investigation into Caylee Anthony's disappearance. A smiling Anthony wore her hair down at today's sentencing hearing—between good behavior and time served, her stay in the slammer may not be much longer. [NYT, image via AP]

Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Maureen O'Connor · 07/05/11 01:41PM

The verdict is in. After a tabloid-monopolizing murder trial, Casey Anthony has been found "not guilty" of killing daughter Caylee in 2008, which is odd, because the trial-by-press was pretty unanimous about her guilt.

Some Thoughts on Casey Anthony Murder Trial Fever

Lauri Apple · 06/26/11 05:34PM

Today's New York Times tells us that the trial of Casey Anthony, who's facing the death penalty for allegedly murdering her toddler Caylee, has become "this year's hot attraction" for tourists passing time in central Florida. Even Mickey Mouse has abandoned his gig to go watch the drama unfold.