
Hollywood Privacywatch: Jeffrey Tambor's Enema-Filled Evening

Mark Graham · 05/29/08 05:00PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by the loyal readers of Defamer. As a few emailers have noted, it took us a few weeks to collect this installment — if you want to see this feature run more frequently, be sure to send in your tips early and often! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you saw "Hey Now" Hank Kingsley (aka Jeffrey Tambor) buying travel-sized saline solution and a "single fleet enema" at Gelson's.

Jessica Alba Is Pregnant, Hungry and Unwilling To Wait In Line

Mark Graham · 05/09/08 07:00PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week (depending on volume), so send them in early and often—without them, we'll surely be forced to endure another Pellicano trial! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you saw Jessica Alba cut in the breakfast line at the Griddle Cafe.

Amy Adams And David Letterman To Dim Bulb Lisa Rinna: You Should 'Be Fired'

Molly Friedman · 02/29/08 02:04PM

On last night's Late Show, guest Amy Adams and David Letterman decided to review one of poufy-lipped red carpet host Lisa Rinna's numerous gaffes on Oscar night. And after seeing this particular stomach-turning foul for the third time, we're gonna have to agree with Letterman and Adams, who essentially came to the conclusion that the soap star turned Joan Rivers 2.0 "should be fired." The best part? Even Rinna agrees!

Jon Stewart Risks Wrath Of Boss Redstone By Abandoning Hosting Gig

mark · 02/06/08 03:15PM

· In a move that "might" be related to the strike, Jon Stewart pulls out of a Paley Center fundraiser honoring unkillable Viacom overlord Sumner Redstone; presumably, the possibility of having to cross WGA protesters to host an event celebrating a man who's previously pledged to "live long enough to watch every last one of those greedy, scribbling serfs die on the picket line" suddenly made the gig seem less savory. [THR]
· On Super Tuesday, network TV audiences overwhelming chose Fox's American Idol and House to ABC's coverage of the primaries, which, despite occasional clips of Mitt Romney's hilariously inept audition for the Republican nomination, never stood a chance against the misadventures of dozens of equally delusional Idol hopefuls. [Variety]

Casey Affleck Clearly Not Versed In How To Behave Around 'Dancing With The Stars' Also-Ran Royalty

Seth Abramovitch · 02/01/08 01:26PM

Having only recently declared him the Most Adorable Thing Ever, we must admit the video above might force us to reexamine our Casey Affleck position. Showing all the ill-tempered signs of someone who's survived a childhood rife with Ben-inflicted noogie and wedgie abuse, Affleck's SAG Awards interaction with Lisa Rinna demonstrates the most shocking disregard for pre-awards-show social conventions we've seen since Jeremy Piven openly questioned the salvageability of Billy Bush's very existence at the 2006 Emmys.

Awards-Crazy Oprah Declares Casey Affleck Her Favorite Oscar-Nominated Thing

mark · 01/24/08 09:15PM

· The only way that Casey Affleck could've been more adorable on Oprah would have been to do his interview while completely covered in newborn kittens wearing tiny cowboy hats.
· Actress Dani Miura tells LAist about what it's like to work as To Catch A Predator's pedophile-bait.
· Real therapists lament the media's obsession with inaccurately diagnosing Britney Spears' mental problems when a simple, effective "batshit insane" would get the job done without sullying their field.
· The Daily Show and Colbert Report's writers went to Washington to fill in Congress on this whole strike deal: "'I ask you,' one writer noted, 'which is more important to a movie — a script, or half of Reese Witherspoon?'" The studio suits thought for a second. 'Which half?'"

Gawker stalker

Gawker · 05/05/03 12:13PM

Send sightings to
· "Saturday afternoon in, what's it called? GAlleries in Upper CHElsea? Wandering Around The Chelsea Hinterlands? CHelsea Insider Art PEdestrian Territory? WeBo (West of Bottino?) Anyway, Linda Evangelista and shorter stylist-type (if he's a boyfriend, it'd be a pretty damning condemnation of Ed Burns) walking around the gallery ghetto, on 10th Ave. near 24th St. And the S. I. Newhouses (a whole posse of them) having their rings kissed at Gagosian, but in the foyer, not checking out the Jenny Saville paintings currently on view."