
Rick Marin's Cad party

Gawker · 03/04/03 10:27AM

A spy at Rick Marin's book party for Cad: Confessions of a Toxic Bachelor, describes the scene:
· "Karen Duffy telling a friend she had just visited somewhere tropical and had learned a new move called 'worshipping the porcelain god.'"
· "Ileana Douglas pouting and insisting her friend Alan Cumming was going to be there, while Monica, often looking unhappy and ever more like a circus-freak, squeezed her way out early on."
· "A dangerously tanned Regis bobbing around everywhere, chasing the Klieg lights."
· "Cynthia Rowley looking particularly ropey and not at all swell, while Ilene in a fearsome glossy number that brought 'Cruella de Ville' to mind."
· "All the usual flacks, including of course your fave of the mo', Bridget Harrison."
(Oooooh! Original gossip! I love it! More! More!

Rick Marin

Gawker · 02/17/03 04:28PM

An item from a reader on Rick Marin, the author of Cad: Confessions of a Toxic Bachelor: "Rick Marin does throw a great Canada Day party, it's true, but it looks like the "double dipping" dilemma has spread beyond his tostitos. I wonder what "The Ethicist" would say? Maybe it's fine to beseech your friends to help your ratings and buy your new book online, but can it be totally kosher to omit that the helpfully provided link also sends an amazon referral kickback your way?" Not that terribly scandalous, but I thought the ULA kids might find it distressing, so I'm posting it anyway.


Gawker · 02/15/03 02:18PM

Daily Candy discusses Rick Marin's book, Cad: Confessions of a Toxic Bachelor. which they note hits stores today. (Actually, it's been in the Union Square B&N for a couple of weeks.) Marin's take on bachelorhood: "No guy wants to be alone. We want to be with other women. Then when we're out with other women we want to be alone. That was the problem."

Cad: Confessions of a Toxic Bachelor

A rogue by any other name. [Daily Candy]