A spy at Rick Marin's book party for Cad: Confessions of a Toxic Bachelor, describes the scene:
· "Karen Duffy telling a friend she had just visited somewhere tropical and had learned a new move called 'worshipping the porcelain god.'"
· "Ileana Douglas pouting and insisting her friend Alan Cumming was going to be there, while Monica, often looking unhappy and ever more like a circus-freak, squeezed her way out early on."
· "A dangerously tanned Regis bobbing around everywhere, chasing the Klieg lights."
· "Cynthia Rowley looking particularly ropey and not at all swell, while Ilene in a fearsome glossy number that brought 'Cruella de Ville' to mind."
· "All the usual flacks, including of course your fave of the mo', Bridget Harrison."
(Oooooh! Original gossip! I love it! More! More! tips@gawker.com)