
Out of Control Satellite Could Ruin Your Social Life

Richard Lawson · 05/11/10 02:51PM

Sweet merciful Space Jesus, save us. A communications satellite is adrift in space and might cross another satellite's orbit, disrupting all US cable TV broadcasts. Someone get Star Wars up and running or something! This menace must be stopped. [AP]

Just What You Need: More Bravo Shows

Richard Lawson · 03/10/10 02:30PM

The lady/gay reality network has added a fifth evening of original programming to its brightly-hued lineup, we're guessing Sunday night. New shows will include Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and some actual scripted fare, including a comedy about male escorts.

The Death of Broadcast Television, One Daypart at a Time

Richard Lawson · 01/26/10 03:49PM

Another day, another piece of news about broadcast television's slow, painful death rattle. It's no longer just primetime that's hemorrhaging: the big old networks are fighting battles in daytime, in news, and royally fucking up their once-sturdy late night empires.

America's Favorite Mad Man: Glenn Beck!

Pareene · 08/28/09 11:43AM

Mad Men, the famous and brilliant television show about how it was weird and bad but also secretly really fucking awesome when dudes smoked and drank at work while treating women like shit (and everyone dressed better but there were no black people), was incessantly hyped by every wing of the East Coast Liberal Media Elite for weeks before its new season started, and the premiere drew 2.8 million viewers.

Does Gay Action Make AMC Nervous?

Andrew Belonsky · 08/24/09 12:55AM

We noticed something queer about Mad Men this week. Well, actually, it was on last week's episode — and it has us scratching our heads over AMC's gay-related anxiety levels.

Shep Smith Has an HD Surprise for Us!

Pareene · 08/19/09 04:29PM

Studio B With Shepar Smith's new HD weather graphics? They do not really seem completely finished, maybe. But still, Fox is 200% more high-def than all the other cable news networks! Plus!

Fox Among the Teabaggers

Pareene · 04/15/09 05:02PM

Neil Cavuto has been at Sacramento's TEA PARTY protest for hours, and he thinks maybe the protesters were "playing to the media"!

Teabagging Jokes, Killer Robots Sweep the Nation

Pareene · 04/15/09 02:24PM

It's not just cable pundit "teabagging" jokes (attached) we have to deal with today: it's freedom fighters versus socialist/fascist big government ROBOTS! HAPPY TEA PARTY TAX DAY!

Only Masturbation Can Save Cable

Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/09 09:04AM

Porn porn porn. Cable companies are hoping to "quietly" sell enough pay-per-view porn to make, you know, a profit. Ad Age wrote a whole story about it just so it could use this quote:

Olbermann Stays Home From Work

Pareene · 09/03/08 04:12PM

Lovable MSNBC blowhard Keith Olbermann was reportedly not thrilled about attending the Republican National Convention. Last week, Page Six claimed Keith wanted "a more secure location" before attending the proceedings, because, they giggled, he's afraid someone will assassinate him. Ha ha ha what a baby! When the RNC started, Keith was in New York still, covering Gustav, their main story all day Monday. That made sense. But Gustav passed and today it was made official: Keith won't be making it to St. Paul for any RNC coverage. Which, lucky him. Because we think what was meant by "a more secure location" was actually "a fucking indoor studio like Fox and CNN got." Because Denver coverage was marred not just by infighting and bitchery but also by idiot 9/11 truthers drowning out the hosts with bullhorns. Uninterrupted! For like an hour straight! It was embarrassing (and also hilarious). Honestly we would not put up with that shit again if we had Keith's authority at the station. Anyway. Keith Olbermann: coward! [The Cable Game]

A Definitive Guide To Cable Feuds

Hamilton Nolan · 08/26/08 03:17PM

Cable news is a hyper-competitive environment full of huge egos fighting with each other for every scrap of a ratings point. And at this time of year, with all the shouting heads descending upon the political convention like a gang of ferrets into a small sack, conflict is inevitable. Plus it's hot, and there's not too much real news anyhow, so everyone is grumpy. After the jump, an illustrated guide to the most vicious feuds in the cable world. Pick your side, demonize your enemies, and play along:

Fox To Making Sense: Drop Dead

Pareene · 08/25/08 11:44AM

Hah. So CNN rearranged its national bureaus, leaving fewer reporters in their main bureaus and shipping staffers off to smaller cities to, ostensibly, provide more coverage of more cities at a lower cost. Many former Chicago reporters now find themselves reporting full-time from terrible places like Columbus and Minneapolis. So, according to Fox News, that means CNN HATES CHICAGO. They took out a totally fair and balanced full-page ad in the Chicago Tribune about this! News Corp properties are always so IN YOUR FACE about their competitors, right? How far are we from the Wall Street Journal hiring someone to climb the Times building and unfurl a banner that says, like, "Pinch Sulzberger's a Pussy"? [TVNewser]

Which Terrible Cable News Sports Bar Should You Hang Out At in Denver?

Pareene · 08/25/08 09:50AM

It's time for the Democratic National Convention in lovely, boring Denver! Are you psyched? Journalists are! Because they're going to be drunk for a week, thousands of miles from home! Just two of the many venues in which hardworking journalists will be getting their drink on the over the next few days are the bars taken over by the cable news networks. Fox's hip FOX Experience and the down-home CNN Grill. Which one looks more like the worst possible place you could ever get drunk? Let's see!