
The People of the Philippines Love Gossip Girl and Other Google Trends Discoveries

Richard Lawson · 07/30/08 02:21PM

Google Trends is a fun yet depressing tool which can show you search trends for various terms like "cat leash" or "where are my wife and kids?" Recently some trickster at RivalFish put in dirty terms like "bukkake" and "ladyboy" to see what cities are searching the most for what. (Honolulu for both of those, as it turns out.) Yay dirty words! That amusing data can be found here, and after the jump we've done a little mini Gawker-themed geographical Google trend reporting.

Sex shopping in Second Life

Chris Mohney · 02/21/07 07:00PM

As promised earlier, a first-timer's experience when sex shopping in Second Life warrants its own post. I'll tell you right up front that my immaturity levels do not speak well of me as a sex correspondent. Chris Peterson's Second Life Safari at Something Awful puts quite a bit more thought and action into the topic. That said, with even the Dutch getting lathered up about virtual child porn (and not in a good way), Second Life's burgeoning sex industry is almost politely underplayed when everything else about the service is praised to the skies. So let's go penis shopping, shall we? NSFW, if you haven't guessed.