Google Trends is a fun yet depressing tool which can show you search trends for various terms like "cat leash" or "where are my wife and kids?" Recently some trickster at RivalFish put in dirty terms like "bukkake" and "ladyboy" to see what cities are searching the most for what. (Honolulu for both of those, as it turns out.) Yay dirty words! That amusing data can be found here, and after the jump we've done a little mini Gawker-themed geographical Google trend reporting.

  • Julia Allison - Jersey City, NJ
  • Gossip Girl - Makati Philippines
  • Blog Comments - Perth, Australia
  • John Mayer - Albany, NY
  • Ashley Alexandra Dupre - Reston, VA
  • Bennigans - Bay City, MI
  • Fat Cat - Stockton, CA
  • Scrabulous - Halifax, NS
  • The Gays - Philadelphia, PA
  • Lindsay Lohan - Monterrey, Mexico

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