
Owen Thomas · 08/06/07 02:59PM

Mike Shaver, an executive at Mozilla, maker of the popular Firefox browser, promises a ten-day turnaround on bugs, and then backpedals furiously. [ha.ckers.org]

All Tech Issues Permanently Resolved Forever

Chris Mohney · 12/06/06 08:10AM

Some of you may have noticed a few recent bumps and hiccups in reader services, namely pokey approval of new commenters and RSS feeds that cloned themselves indiscriminately. We're assured by the hot mamas on our tech staff that all knobs have been properly adjusted and all tubes have been thoroughly degaussed, so no such further problems should manifest. If you're still seeing odd behavior or feeling the clammy touch of invisible demons, send your experiences, your browser/RSS reader (and version), and OS (and version) to tips@gawker.com.

We Really Thought It Was Saturday

Chris Mohney · 07/28/06 11:39AM

You guessed it — a charming combination of technical issues kept us off the airwaves for a good portion of the morning. Radio Free Gawker is broadcasting once again though, so please feel free to send us your letters and tips as before.

Gawker Stalker: Frozen in Time

Chris Mohney · 07/14/06 05:30PM

Despite appearances, Naomi Watts has not remained shuttered up in the Bliss spa in Soho since midweek. The Gawker Stalker map is enjoying a few tech burps at the moment; we shall have them resolved by Monday. If you've sent in sightings in the past couple days, never fear, your work will still show up on the map once it resurrects. And please continue to send your stalkings to tips@gawker.com, and all will be made whole again. We'll get you yet, Clooney.

Send Us Your Bugs

Chris Mohney · 07/10/06 01:45PM

While we appreciate the universal praise regarding Gawker's bold new design, the tech gnomes have been working tirelessly in their fey treestump datacenters to eliminate any pesky bugs and make sure that everyone enjoys the same large-fonted experience. If you're still having problems seeing anything and everything — text, graphics, columns, links, or God forbid, headlines — please let us know at tips@gawker.com. Include your OS and version, browser and version, and if you're feeling really helpful, a screen capture of the problem. Help us help you (help us).