
Male Spiders Dig Virgins

Jeff Neumann · 11/01/10 06:46AM

Scientists have concluded that male wasp spiders, who only get laid once or twice during their short lives, prefer to do it with virgins. Is that really so much to ask for, since they're usually eaten by their partners? [LiveScience]

World's Smallest Catapult Hurls World's Smallest Pies at Bugs

Matt Cherette · 10/27/10 09:19PM

Yes, you read that headline correctly. Somehow, and for some reason, someone created a tiny catapult with the express purpose of hurling various pies—also tiny, as in 3.5 millimeters in diameter—at a bunch of bugs. This. Is. Awesome.

Bedbugs Are Spreading Via Google Now

Ryan Tate · 09/02/10 05:40PM

New York's bedbug panic is no longer confined to the hoi polloi: The superhuman cyborgs who work in Google's Gotham uber-office have found bedbugs at work. Google is infected. Repeat: Google. Is. Infected.

Google Invents Most Annoying Bug of All Time

Ryan Tate · 08/31/10 12:55PM

Last night Google rolled out a bug that would be comical if it weren't so astounding and grating: Open your Gmail inbox, and old school ragtime music starts playing, and can't be stopped. The solution: Use less Google.

Bedbug Panic Hits the Web: The Interactive Map

Maureen O'Connor · 08/27/10 05:54PM

In the mood for some bedbug-related fearmongering and/or pranks? Check out BedbugRegistry.com, where users catalog close encounters with the bloodsucking kind. Let us explore this terrorizing website and see whose lives we can ruin with it. Update: Bedbug Registry responds.

Bugging Out

Brian Moylan · 08/20/10 07:00PM

[This grasshopper was just out shopping today with the rest of the people in SoHo. All he found was something trashy. Image via AP]

Your Forecast for Summer: 'Mosquito Emergency'

Max Read · 05/31/10 09:40PM

A rainy spring in the northeast was "the perfect storm for mosquitoes," who breed in standing water left after rainstorms. Can't wait! To avoid painful mosquito bites, we recommend not having any blood in your body. [Fox]

Traumatized Fox News Employee Sues Over Bedbug Attacks

Hamilton Nolan · 05/28/08 12:07PM

The victims of the Fox News bedbug infestation are fighting back! Former Fox employee Joan Clark has filed a lawsuit claiming that she has post-traumatic stress disorder from being attacked by bedbugs multiple times at the Fox News headquarters. She says she was bitten by the voracious creatures last October, last November, and just last month. She even claims that her entire department was relocated in a futile attempt to escape the bloodsucking insects! The building owner and maintenance company are named in the lawsuit, and Clark has filed a Worker's Comp claim against News Corp. itself. The full press release detailing her suit is below. We've contacted Fox (which may already be planning its revenge) and Clark's lawyer's for further info. THIS STORY IS FAR FROM OVER.

Whole Foods, Environmentalists Support Cockroach Invasion

Hamilton Nolan · 04/16/08 08:17AM

Being a limp-wristed, knee-jerk environmentalist liberal, you probably thought that Whole Foods' plan to phase out plastic bags in its stores was a good thing. Sure it is—if you love cockroaches. That's the sober warning in an editorial in the New York Post today, penned by Jeff Stier of the conservative "science" group ACSH, which is funded by Dow Chemical, Chevron, and a slew of other corporations. See, cockroaches "prefer paper (bags) to plastic," which logically means that Whole Foods is virtually holding your door open and setting up a nice buffet for the bugs! And it gets worse: they're also trying to give you asthma.

Shocking The Public With Scorpions

Hamilton Nolan · 03/27/08 02:10PM

What is the single most repellent image that humans can conjure up? Apparently, it's scorpions. Trendhunter has a list of the Top 50 "Shockvertisements" in recent history—ads that stirred up a controversy. The most common thread, obviously, is sex; but three different campaigns on the list chose to shock people by picturing scorpions. Scorpions that are touching you! Advertisers find that no other bug comes close in its ability to disgust. Below, pictures of the three scorpion ads: one is shocking but effective, one is weird but effective, and one is just misguided.