
Remainders: Amy Sohn Capitalizes on Motherhood

Jessica · 04/12/06 05:52PM

New York mag's sex columnist Amy Sohn spares us her return. Instead, she'll be writing in-depth features for the magazine on matters such as breast milk and bjorns, reasoning that "parenting is hot right now." Yeah? Tell that to our Ortho Tri-Cyclen, crazy lady. [NYO]
• A glimpse into Jared Paul Stern's future at Page Six: "Insiders say that Walter Ripley, currently serving a six-and-a-half-year sentence for racketeering, has been slowly moving in on the cigarette and pornography concession previously run by kidnapper George 'Two Thumbs' Theophilus." [McSweeney's]
• More on Ron Burkle's power in Democratic party. [Kausfiles]
• And even The Onion weighs in. [The Onion]
• MySpace is so dangerous, they've hired former federal prosecutor Hemanshu Nigam to keep the kiddies safe from internet predators. [NYT]
• The only Ann Coulter movie we'd ever see. [Towleroad]
• "JT Leroy" continues to write, albeit for something called Lemon. [FishbowlNY]
• Smirnoff will teach Brooklynites "how to do graffiti." Brooklynites, in return, will teach Smirnoff how to fuck off and die like the corporate whores they are. [Consumerist]

The Park Slope Hat Spat: Where Will It End? (Here.)

Jesse · 04/11/06 01:23PM

So. The Park Slope hat. New York reported on it this week, and we brought you the whole email exchange yesterday afternoon. All sorts of things were debated: Is it a boy's hat or is it a girl's hat, or is it for infants with abnormally large heads? Does headgear reinforce gender roles, are parents inadvertent sexist, are Park Slopers crazy P.C. Nazis? (Um, yeah, definitely yes to that last one.) But one thing was never really resolved: What ever became of the hat? This morning, thank God (whomever your god might be), there was an answer:

The Park Slope Hat Spat: Read All the Emails

Jesse · 04/10/06 12:15PM

New York mag has a cute front-of-book item today on an only-in-Park-Slope battle that recently raged on an email list for earnest and progressive parents in that earnestly progressive Brooklyn neighborhood. As Ben Mathis-Lilley explains:

A Hole Grows in Brooklyn

Jesse · 03/27/06 09:30AM

We like the idea of the planet occasionally swallowing a gas-guzzling, ozone-depleting SUV. But doesn't it defeat the whole purpose if mass transit is knocked out as part of the deal?

Also, Bruce Ratner's Penis Has Not Gotten Any Larger

Jesse · 03/14/06 10:15AM

Bruce Ratner is happily bulldozing his way through Brooklyn, molding Marty Markowitz's borough to his whims. Nothing can stand in his way; nothing can stop him. Well, only one thing, according to the Sun: Fake email.

Free 'News' in Brooklyn Heights?

Jesse · 03/13/06 11:16AM

Has the struggling-to-stay-on-top Daily News adopted the Sun's give-it-away circ strategy? A favorite source files this report from Brooklyn Heights:

The Prisoners of Atlantic Avenue

Jesse · 03/03/06 08:51AM

The city is apparently thisclose to reopening the Brooklyn House of Detention, that hulking highrise jail between Atlantic and Pacific Avenues in Cobble Hill. The move may be necessary to ease imminent overcrowding at Rikers Island, according to the Times, and it will pose no risk for the yuppie-hipster neighborhood, as the prisoners will be kept safely under lock and key. To further ensure minimal neighborhood disruption, immediately upon arrival the prisoners will be issued horn-rimmed glasses, iPods, and, of course, magazine jobs.

He Says He Is the One Who Will Dance on the Floor in the Round

Jesse · 02/27/06 09:40AM

Was this really shot late one recent night on Brooklyn yeshiva scene, as we were told it was by the hipster Hasid who sent it in? Who knows? But it's one teenage Hasidic boychik, complete with tzitzit and the big hat, rocking out Michael Jackson-style, as all his little Hasidic friends cheer him on. And it's kind of freaking hilarious. L'chaim!

Brokeback Hits Boerum Hill

Jessica · 02/14/06 10:42AM

Finally, after a seemingly endless spat of noncommittal and emotionally unsatisfying renting, Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams have decided to buy in Boerum Hill. The two shelled out $3.5 million for a four-story corner spread two blocks "south of Smith Street" (or says the Australian paper). The price makes the 'hood almost the new Park Slope, but the nearby housing projects help to maintain just enough grit for Heath Ledger to grouchily ride his skateboard without worry.

Vultures, Vultures Everywhere

Jesse · 02/09/06 11:55AM

We know you're all considering the move to the sixth borough — Dumbo is so played out, man — and so we want to pass along this warning about the risks of that move, as noted by Philadelphia Weekly:

South Slope: Now With Less Hookers!

Jessica · 01/31/06 12:00PM

Direct from the other borough's hot neighborhood du jour, South Slope, signs that the wilds of Brooklyn are increasingly safe for gentrification: a new sort of working professional is moving in, and they don't operate out of '82 Oldsmobiles.

'Washington Post' Discovers Up-and-Coming Hipster Nabe in Brooklyn

Jesse · 11/30/05 10:05AM

So what if The Washington Post got scooped on its own ur-story a few months ago, when it allowed Vanity Fair to beat it to outing Mark Felt as Deep Throat? The paper is still breaking all sorts of news (even as its star investigative correspondent keeps secrets from its editor for years at a time).

The Precious Allure of Brooklyn

Jessica · 11/30/05 08:53AM

By the time we got to the third page of Mark Lotto's ode to Brooklyn in today's Observer, we were starting to think that, in fact, Brooklyn might be the way. The borough's celebrity-friendly neighborhoods, sprinkled with "Sesame Street idealism" and domesticated couples clutching soy chai lattes, very well may be the antidote to the perpetually adolescent woes of Manhattan living. And, God, it just sounds so damn nice out there. Why don't we just take the leap and cross the river?

Gottenyu! DOT Declares Markowitz's Meshugge Signage Kosher

Jesse · 09/29/05 04:00PM

Not that anyone who knows anything about Brooklyn politics would have bet against this hondler, but, almost two years after Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz first proposed the idea, he's finally getting his way. The city's Department of Transportation two weeks ago approved a sign now posted on the Williamsburg Bridge, directed at Manhattan-bound drivers: "Leaving Brooklyn; Oy Vey!"