
Southern Belle Brooke Parkhurst's Novel Will Have Juicy Fox News Bits, Recipes

Sheila · 07/10/08 11:39AM

Brooke Parkhurst—self-described "Belle in the Big Apple," former Fox News assistant, Conde Nast blogger, and the blonde next to Julia Allison in our little pin-up shoot—has a chick-lit novel coming out from Scribner in September. Also titled Belle in the Big Apple, we hear that "apparently it had to be padded with 'recipes'—27 of them." That might be a bit unfair, since she's been writing about food for a while now. (Also, the book is subtitled "A Novel With Recipes.") But wait! This blurb sounds fairly autobiographical:

Brooke "Belle" Parkhurst Might Have Some Big Apples, Or She Might Not

emily · 04/17/07 02:30PM

"A low-cut top helps me get my way. I use that more often than I'd like to admit," "Brooke, 28" tells Jane in their new Guide To Boobs. Here's her rack. Compare and contrast with that of one Brooke Parkhurst, the Belle of the Big Apple. Note that right-side mole! If our hunch is correct and those are her hooters, what a remarkable bit of Conde synergy from Brooke, who is the newly-appointed cooking/lifestyle video correspondent for Conde Nast's

Remainders: Hot Or Not?

Doree Shafrir · 04/16/07 05:53PM
  • The Post names the "9 Hottest Celebs on the Web." These include Amanda Congdon, Tila Tequila, and Brooke Parkhurst. [NYP]

New Conde Not-Blogs To Fight Uphill Battle

Emily · 03/21/07 02:15PM

Rumor has it that Conde Nast will launch a new "web network" in late March or early April. The network will incorporate articles from Allure, Jane, Self and Glamour. In the past, Conde's overall web strategy—plumbing existing properties for content, but rebranding that content for the web—has both worked (Epicurious, Concierge) and not-worked (Swoon, Phys, maybe Flip). It's entirely possible that this new venture will be a huge success! Here are some reasons it might not, though. Hint: Brooke Parkhurst.

Gawker Pinup Gallery: The Director's Cut

abalk2 · 02/15/07 01:40PM

We know how yesterday's Pinup Gallery got you all hot and bothered. Wouldn't it be great if there were some kind of "making of" video to give you a peek behind the scenes? Guess what, there is! Thanks to the special videographic talents of Nick McGlynn and some fine editing work from Richard Blakeley, you can actually hear what Julia and Brooke sound like. Although we can imagine how that might be a turnoff.

Gawker Pinup Gallery: Julia Allison and Brooke Parkhurst

Choire · 02/14/07 01:51PM

Julia Allison. Brooke Parkhurst. As authors, diarists, fashion darlings and long-time spiritual counselors, they each serve as the Edith Wharton, the Judith Martin, the May Sarton and possibly even the Virginia Woolf of our time. But these ladies already have a room of their own. It's a very sexy, sexy room. And when we think of them, we think of all the feminist heroes that have gone—and gone down—before them.

Good Times With the Parkhurst Family

Doree Shafrir · 11/21/06 05:40PM

Seems that Brooke "Belle in the Big City" Parkhurst was none too pleased that we'd called her sister out for writing a puff piece about Brooke in Bella Pensacola magazine. Turns out, her sister didn't actually write the story, which we apparently would've known if we'd had a print copy of the mag on hand—anyone?—because the mistake only appeared online. Brooke herself emailed us, sniffing,

DumbBelle: 'It' Runs In The Family

Emily Gould · 11/20/06 08:10AM

We sincerely hope you've forgotten all about 'It' Girl Brooke "Belle in the Big Apple" Parkhurst — we wish we could — but an alert reader sends news of Parkhurst-promotion that's just too douchey to ignore. Seems a fawning profile ran recently in Belle's hometown newsrag, Pensacola Bella Magazine, about Parkhurst's amazing transformation from "Southern Belle" to "New York Hostess Diva." She gives parties, people! Unforgettable parties, parties as grand in scale as her unforgettable fivehead. But perhaps the most memorable part of the article, which includes tons of highly objective praise from Parkhurst's boyfriend, mom and literary agent, is this excerpt: