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Seems that Brooke "Belle in the Big City" Parkhurst was none too pleased that we'd called her sister out for writing a puff piece about Brooke in Bella Pensacola magazine. Turns out, her sister didn't actually write the story, which we apparently would've known if we'd had a print copy of the mag on hand—anyone?—because the mistake only appeared online. Brooke herself emailed us, sniffing,

"i would like a correction on y'all's part but i'm sure that's too much to ask."

Nope, Brooke, not too much at all! See, what happened was that Brooke's sister, Sloane Stephens Cox, usually writes the cover stories for the magazine, and her name automatically comes up when a feature goes online. Whew. We sure are glad that's been resolved.

For those of you who missed what we just said: No, Brooke's sister didn't actually write the piece about her; she just writes the cover stories for the magazine that profiled her. But what's a little conflict of interest when it's all in the family?

We also heard from Ms. Cox herself:

Your post yesterday claims that I, Sloane Stephens Cox, wrote an article about my sister Brooke Parkhurst. Check your facts before hitting the keyboard. The author is Kimberly Blair. Feel free to verify it at By the way, you don't have permission to run one of the News Journal's photos. I'm going to report it to our executive editor.

We'll set aside the fact that the online byline did read "Sloane Stephens Cox," and just say, happy Thanksgiving, Parkhurst-Cox-whatevers! The good cheer must run in the family.

Another Slow Day on Crosby Street [Belle in the Big Apple]

Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of Brooke Parkhurst