
How to Not Give a Shit: Making Art While Female

Dayna Evans · 01/21/15 01:20PM

"I feel very strongly about that: an alternative to the idea of women being a certain way." Janet Weiss, the drummer for Sleater-Kinney, was sitting on a leather green swivel chair three feet in front of me as she responded to a question from Broad City's Ilana Glazer about feminism. "The quiet, demure, soft-spoken sort of stereotype. The three of us get on stage and we really try to break that down and give people who feel differently than that a place to go and a place to express themselves."

Watch the Dick-Joke Filled First Trailer for Broad City Season Two

Andy Cush · 11/10/14 04:15PM

The finale of Broad City's debut season aired about half a year ago, but if you've spent the entire interim in bed, watching torrented copies of every episode on an endless loop (what a weird thing to do!), it feels like it's been much longer. Today, Comedy Central gave us a precious taste of season two.