
Tom Green Promises to Quit Drinking

Ryan Tate · 10/06/09 07:25PM

The former Mr. Drew Barrymore overcompensated for an apparent drunk-tweet; a New York Times took a screenshot of his writer's block and Zoe Stagg was all backed up. It was a tough Tuesday for the Twitterati.

Dispatches From the GFail Apocalypse

Ryan Tate · 09/01/09 06:38PM

Cities burned; pundits pointed fingers and AOL stood proud for definitely the last time. The Twitterati acted out their primal terror.

It's Back to Business as Usual For Keith Olbermann

cityfile · 08/12/09 10:01AM

So much for the truce between MSNBC and Fox. Since news of a cease fire (or at least a ratcheting down of the rhetoric) appeared in the pages of the New York Times twelve days ago, whatever fragile peace the two networks negotiated has dissolved into the usual volley of insults. Bill O'Reilly is once again the worst person in the world, according to Keith Olbermann. And MSNBC's parent company, GE, is once again responsible for supporting terrorist regimes that are hell-bent on America's destruction, according to O'Reilly. Few at MSNBC and Fox News are happy the deal has unraveled—and both sides have said they're hoping to salvage it, an unlikely prospect at this point—although some of the most annoyed people around are the NBC staffers who are getting increasingly fed up with Olbermann's antics.

Olbermann's Folly, Cuts at Condé, BusinessWeek Bids

cityfile · 08/04/09 01:27PM

Keith Olbermann took Times reporter Brian Stelter to task last night for reporting that News Corp. and GE had worked out a deal to tone down the rhetoric between MSNBC and Fox News. But he didn't disagree with everything Stelter reported. Conveniently, only the bad stuff about him was wrong. [NYM]
• More bad news for Olbermann: MSNBC now admits it made a mistake by not disclosing that Countdown fixture Richard Wolffe is a paid lobbyist. Naturally, Olbermann had absolutely no idea about any of this. [Politico, Salon]
• Condé Nast is shedding more staff. This time around it appears the media giant's receptionists will be paying the ultimate price. [Gawker, NYM]
• Reps for Bruce Wasserstein met with BusinessWeek execs yesterday to discuss a bid for the magazine. Joe Mansueto, the founder of Morningstar and owner of Fast Company, may be a potential bidder as well. [BW]

Twitter Co-Founder Can't Stop Shortening Words

Ryan Tate · 07/27/09 08:38PM

The Wall Street Journal got tabloidy; the New York Times got snarky and a full-time kvetcher decided to stop complaining. The Twitterati were feeling experimental.

Lesbians Really Dig Kurt Andersen

Ryan Tate · 06/22/09 07:03PM

All lesbians are Midwesterners who cotton to Kurt Andersen; all Apple copywriters should fear a Steve Jobs tantrum; and all people with cameras are unpaid Associated Press stringers. For the Twitterati, Monday was absolutely something.