
New York State Senate Votes on Gay Marriage

Jim Newell · 06/24/11 06:17PM

The New York State Senate will vote on same-sex marriage this evening. It's unclear what time the vote will take place, but it could happen any minute now. After they work through several other bills, at least. You can watch a livestream of the proceedings below. [Update: The bill has passed!]

Anthony Weiner Is Stepping Down

Adrian Chen · 06/16/11 08:42AM

According to the New York Times, Anthony Weiner has told friends that he's resigning amid increasing pressure from Democrats, and "after having long discussions with his wife," who just returned from a trip to Africa with her boss Hillary Clinton.

Anthony Weiner's Wife Is Pregnant

John Cook · 06/08/11 04:12PM

Here's why Huma Abedin, the digitally cuckolded wife of Anthony Weiner, has kept a low profile in the wake of her husband's humiliation and quietly signaled that their marriage will survive: She's in a family way.

Terminator On Hold Until Further Notice

Seth Abramovitch · 05/19/11 09:35PM

This just in: The Marriagenator has just issued a statement, soberly delivered by Wolf Blitzer. Shh! This is important. It's about his career!

Hedge Funders Back to Hating Democrats as Usual

Hamilton Nolan · 04/26/11 01:02PM

Remember the hope-filled days of 2008, when the titans of Wall Street came together to pour money into Barack Obama's presidential campaign, because they knew he was going to win? It was truly an inspirational example of the rich setting aside their historic partisan affiliations in order to further their own self-interest.

Budget Deal Reached, Government Shutdown Avoided

Remy Stern · 04/08/11 10:49PM

With just an hour to go before a midnight deadline, Democrats and Republicans reached a last-minute budget compromise tonight, averting a government shutdown that would have brought Washington to a standstill and furloughed hundreds of thousands of federal employees. The deal—which involves $39 billion in cuts but does not include a Republican provision to cut funding for Planned Parenthood—isn't final: congressional leaders now have five days to iron out the formal details. Crisis averted—for now! [NYT, CNN]

Tsunami Warning Issued In Japan After 7.4-Magnitude Quake

Adrian Chen · 04/07/11 10:36AM

A new tsunami warning has been issued after a 7.4 magnitude aftershock hit off the coast of Japan, 73 miles from the nuclear plant at Fukushima. The Japan meteorological agency warned of a wave up to six feet. The tsunami generated by last month's 9.0 earthquake was estimated to be over 120 feet. [Image via AP]

U.N Imposes No-Fly Zone Over Libya

Adrian Chen · 03/17/11 06:11PM

The U.N. Security council just voted 10-0 to impose a no-fly zone over Libya, authorizing "all necessary measures" to protect Libyan citizens. The announcement was met with cheers by rebels. The Qaddafi government's response: "Any foreign military act against Libya will expose all air and maritime traffic in the Mediterranean Sea to danger and civilian and military facilities will become targets of Libya's counter-attack."

Helicopter Drops Sea Water On Japan's Stricken Nuclear Reactor

Adrian Chen · 03/16/11 08:24PM

The Japanese military dumped seawater from Chinook helicopters onto Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant earlier tonight in a last-ditch attempt to cool fuel rods that were exposed by the tsunami and prevent a worsening of the crisis. (Temperatures reached 183 degrees Fahrenheit at one reactor today.) The helicopters were lined with lead to protect the crew.

Wisconsin State Senate Passes Anti-Union Bill

Adrian Chen · 03/09/11 09:29PM

Republicans passed Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's anti-union bill tonight 18-1. After all the brouhaha, the Senator-fleeing, the Senator-tackling, the Koch-prank-calling, Republicans were able to use some legislative black magick which allowed them to pass the bill even while Democrats were still camped out in Illinois.

U.S. Soldier Killed in Attack at Frankfurt Airport

Hamilton Nolan · 03/02/11 11:30AM

A bus carrying U.S. soldiers was attacked by a gunman this morning outside the Frankfurt airport. Two people are dead. The Guardian, citing German news reports, says that the bus driver and one soldier are the victims. German reports also say that "police arrested a 21-year-old male suspect from Kosovo following the attack." There's no official word yet on motives or anything else.