
Breaking Bad Fans Trampled Real Graves For Fake Funeral

Camille Dodero · 10/23/13 07:06PM

This past Saturday, a group of Breaking Bad rubberneckers turned up for a mock funeral that mourned the AMC series' protagonist, Walter White. Pitched as a fundraiser for the homeless, the ceremony was held at a real cemetery in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where inconsiderate shitbags loitered on grave markers of real dead people, including one of a child who didn't live to see his third birthday. For fuck's sake.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/19/13 09:30AM

He stops when Vince Gilligan says he stops. Walter White, American's favorite meth cook, might be making an appearance on the new Breaking Bad spin-off, Better Call Saul.

Why Breaking Bad's Finale Was Perfect

Rich Juzwiak · 09/30/13 11:31AM

There was never any doubt that Breaking Bad cared about its viewers. The show's most impressive feat to me was its devotion to clarity, no matter how complicated its character dynamics or intricate its plot developments. Breaking Bad explained everything and then re-explained it. Jumps in logic were extremely rare and when they were employed—Jesse's a-ha ricin moment from earlier this season, in which he deduced way too much given way too little information, and wielded his hunch like a weapon—they sent the plot forward with too much velocity to upset anyone but nitpickers.

Lacey Donohue · 09/29/13 08:22PM

While many are gathered around the television right now watching the finale of Breaking Bad, according to the New York Times the financial future is uncertain for many Albuquerque businesses who have come to rely on the show for sales.

A Very Fond Farewell to Breaking Bad

Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/29/13 02:44PM

If the internet is an echo chamber, then it's my turn to say it — Breaking Bad is the best TV show currently — if not ever — on the air. And it's not just me. Ask the six million plus waiting to exhale after tonight's finale. Ask the viewers who call 911 when the cable goes out. Ask the people who wait outside Aaron Paul's house just to talk to him, which he happily does. Ask the fans who donated $1.8 million to charity, just for the chance to watch the finale in an LA cemetery.

Albuquerque Rehab Center Offering Two Free Breaking Bad Scholarships

Camille Dodero · 09/16/13 02:00PM

The final season of Breaking Bad, now down to two "really messy" remaining installments, has incited some curious behavior. Before the season premiered, Irish fans showed up at Aaron Paul's house, as if that were a reasonable thing to do. When the Cable went out before a new episode was supposed to air in one Connecticut town, local residents called 911 instead of Cablevision. And this seems like a peculiar promotion: An Albuquerque rehab center is honoring Vince Gilligan's AMC series' finale—with two free scholarships.