The final season of Breaking Bad, now down to two "really messy" remaining installments, has incited some curious behavior. Before the season premiered, Irish fans showed up at Aaron Paul's house, as if that were a reasonable thing to do. When the Cable went out before a new episode was supposed to air in one Connecticut town, local residents called 911 instead of Cablevision. And this seems like a peculiar promotion: An Albuquerque rehab center is honoring Vince Gilligan's AMC series' finale—with two free scholarships.


We are based in Albuquerque and our focus is on Mental Health, we naturally LOVE Breaking Bad! Although we are sad to see the show come to a close and leave our fair city, we do recognize that all good things must come to an end.

We would like to honor the end of Breaking Bad with bringing awareness to mental health and addictions treatment in our community. HealthShire is partnering with Sage Neuroscience Center to give two scholarships for addictions treatment in Albuquerque, NM. This Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a 12-week addictions treatment program that focuses on building the tools and acquiring the skills required to break addiction and begin the journey to recovery.

Healthshire is dedicated to bringing much-needed attention to the state of mental health and its treatment in New Mexico, the United States, and across the globe. We will be posting multiple blogs about addiction and its treatment every week during the contest and beyond in an effort to bridge together a supportive mental health community.

To apply, you have to be over 18, submit an essay about your personal experience (or the experience of someone you know who needs the treatment), and file an application by this Sunday, September 22, which also happens to be the air date of the show's penultimate episode. The "winners" will not be announced, but notified the following week. Perhaps two people adversely affected by one of those real-life Walter White copycats will get help this way?

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