
Media Bubble: To Avoid Jon Fine, Look Depressed

abalk2 · 07/27/06 01:40PM

Boston Globe joins trend of selling ads on sectional front pages. God knows The Jimmy Fund needs more venues in which to get its message across. [BG]
• If Jon Fine weren't such a good person he would have had a crucial scoop about National Geographic. National Geographic. C'mon, yellow cover, comes with a map inside? Eh, never mind. [BW]
• YouTube dude doesn't envision bubble bursting, won't sell yet. We see Calcanis-like levels of bitterness on the horizon. [Marketwatch]

Media Bubble: Times Needs To Save Its Pennies For Alex Kuczynski's Clothing Allowance

abalk2 · 07/10/06 02:00PM

• Not only are contributors to The Times'Great Big Book Of Everything not getting paid, they're not even getting a copy of the book. It's class all the way over at 43rd Street. [WWD]
• Speaking of The Times, Republican lawmakers are taking a page out of Bob Dole's book. Presumably not the one where he pops a Viagra and bangs Liddy a new hole, but we wouldn't put anything past those guys. [NYS]
The Boston Globe (owned by The New York Times, how do you like that for thematic consistency?) has informed its gay employees that they need to get married or they'll lose their domestic partner benefits. On the plus side, everyone who does tie the knot will get a copy of the new Times book as a wedding present. [Boston Herald]

Media Bubble: Kids Dig the Web

Jesse · 03/23/06 03:45PM

• Pew study says young people get their news mostly online. You don't say. [USAT]
• Finally, your chance to be a Times White House reporter. [Media Mob/NYO]
• That British fashion writer who sold How to Wear Black to S&S if apparently even more full of shit than we already knew; also, Joanne Lipman continues staffing up the TK-eventually Conde business mag. [WWD]
Boston Globe ad sales stink, and it's bringing down the whole Times Co. [NYP]