
Hamilton Nolan · 05/18/16 04:35PM

The cruise industry is booming, and so are the fortunes of the newly popular cruise hub, Boston. Jesus. Imagine that—a cruise to Boston. Like a vacation on “opposite day.” Are these prank cruises?

Boston Transit Police Are Furiously Spinning the Mr. Spaghetti Dog-Naming Debacle

Andy Cush · 04/18/16 03:28PM

Today is Marathon Monday, and by all reports, it is a splendorous day in Boston: the sun shining down, the breeze lilting lightly, the male nipples bleeding, and the Mark Wahlberg dressed as a hardscrabble cop with a heart of gold. But let us not forget a great shame that hangs over the city like the malodorous stench of seafood served at the Top of the Hub. That’s right: I’m talking about Mr. Spaghetti.

The Boston Globe Made a Joke, I Guess

Melissa Cronin · 04/10/16 11:09AM

The long-awaited “front page we hope to never publish” from the Boston Globe is here, and it is reportedly a “joke.”

Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/15 01:40PM

The city of Boston could be “stuck in an endless housing crunch” for years to come with constantly rising housing costs. Oh, you can’t afford to live in Boston? Blessing in disguise. Is this story a joke?

Who Stole $600,000 in Art From the Boston Public Library?

Andy Cush · 05/28/15 12:43PM

On April 8, staffers at the Boston Public Library noticed that Albrecht Dürer’s Adam and Eve—an engraving valued at over $600,000—was missing from its collection. After an internal search, a Rembrandt etching was found missing as well. A month on, no one knows what became of the art—but police believe the apparent heist may have been an inside job.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/16/15 10:20AM

A new poll indicates that support among Bostonians for the idea of hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics has risen—all the way up to 40%! You can almost see the Olympic spirit dripping from the orifices of two in five Bostonians! With this level of passion, the games are a lock.