
Hiding Liquor in Purse Now Fashionable

Hamilton Nolan · 12/27/10 12:21PM

The new must-have "ultimate accessory," for ladies: fruity booze, disguised as perfume. "Our point is not drink a lot to be glamorous - it's drink responsibly and in moderation and just be glamorous over all." Ohh, okay. [NYT]

Your Office Christmas Party Could Kill You

Jeff Neumann · 12/19/10 11:39AM

"Experts" have weighed in on the dangers of drinking too much during the holidays, and guess what? It's supposedly really bad for you, and could even increase the risk of cancer. But you can avoid this fate!

NYPD vs. Drunk Dutch Embassy Guys

Jeff Neumann · 11/30/10 05:13AM

When a group of Dutch Embassy guys allegedly tried to leave Arthur's Tavern in Greenwich Village without paying a $315 tab, NYPD officers intervened and a brawl ensued, resulting in a chipped tooth, a broken finger and bruises. And arrests!

Here's a Drunk Girl Stuck Inside a Dryer

Jeff Neumann · 11/20/10 09:38AM

It's Saturday morning so there's a good chance you're hung over. Not very fun! But at least you're not this girl, who got stuck in a dryer presumably after some serious drinking. And then her friends put it on YouTube.