
Gawker Alum Paid For Book Your Mom Wrote

Pareene · 04/29/08 12:57PM

The Observer's Doree Shafrir and Jezebel's Jessica Grose landed a book deal for "Postcards From Yo Momma," their beloved tumblr blog that reprints emails from readers' mothers, because we are all terrible children. Doree and Jessica "are said to have received a comfortable... sum," according to Balk, though not as much a the creators of Stuff White People Like. Of course the Stuff White People Like guys actually have to, like, write their book. Themselves! [Radar] Update: Doree says, "they actually want quite a bit of original content." Of course she'll probably make her mom write it.

White People Over-Analyze Like This

Pareene · 03/21/08 02:54PM

Did you hear about that hot new internet blog, "Stuff White People Like"? Did someone email or GChat you a link to it? Or did many people? Chances are you either had a knowing chuckle or got all huffy about it, as those seem to be most people's responses. We've gone through the criticisms both whiny—I'm white and I'm nothing like this!—and smart—boy their definition of "white people" is offensively narrow and classist—and now we're sick of those too, even though we sort of agree with them but also are all "lay off, it's a stupid blog." There's the fucking rub: we dislike the site and are sick of everyone disliking the site. Which is why we were so excited to see that they got ten zillion dollars to turn it into a book! A book about hockey, and Miracle Whip! Except not really, because only like middle American White People like those things, see, and there's that class argument we didn't want to get into. No, this book is actually about Juno or some such bullshit.

'The Wall Street Journal' Owns Their Reporters' Brand

Rebecca · 03/03/08 11:09AM

Wall Street Journal, ever the business paper, is making good on that by demanding royalties from books their reporters write based on research they originally did for the paper. The staff find the policy "ridiculous." But even if print is dying, book publishing is relatively viable. Journalists can make a lot more from a best-selling book than from reporting on metro education stories. So it's hardly ridiculous for newspaper to want a piece of it. Consider the success of New York Times trend story heartthrob Warren St. John.

George Michael To Pen Memoir, World To Cringe

Maggie · 01/17/08 11:22AM

Oh nooooo....Wham! songstress George Michael just signed a deal to write his memoirs! With News Corp publishing house HarperCollins no less, which makes his bitchtastic anti-Rupert Murdoch rant last year a little suspect. Groan. The thing about memoirs is, George, they work better when the public doesn't know in advance just about everything that will be in them. "People aren't stupid, they're beginning to notice that the truth is more interesting than the stories the press come up with," his manager said today. That persnickety press, always making up crazy allegations of Larry Craig-inspiring restroom romps and pea-brained drug busts.

(Not an) April Fools Book Proposal: 'I Lost My Love in Baghdad'

Jon · 03/31/07 11:27AM

April Fools' Day? Tomorrow? No way! That's it, we're out for the weekend to plan some cyber-pranks to do on AOL. But we won't leave you hanging without fin-de-semaine reading material. Thanks to the Observer, we've read the 131-page proposal for Newsweek reporter Michael Hastings's upcoming I Lost My Love in Baghdad, which we're told agent Andrew Wiley has sold to Random House Scribner for a cool north of a cool half-million. Far as we can tell, ILMLIB — which begins with epigraphs from Iraq General George Casey, Prussian icon Carl von Clausewitz, and "Angel of the Morning, 1960's pop song" (!!) — is some sort of experimental memoir about Green Zone romance leading up to the literal (that is, literal literal) January death of Hastings's gf Andi Parhamovich. And, yes, it is called I LOST MY LOVE IN BAGHDAD. Needless to say, this portends the end of Western civilization as such; highlights from the 75,000-word manuscript after the jump.