
The Worst Video Games Made into Movies

Etan Berkowitz · 04/09/10 11:45AM

The draw of video games is the chance to punch people or explode stuff. The point here is interactivity. However, Hollywood execs decided to take the fun out of these games and turn them into craptacular movies.

Uwe Boll 'Confirms' Boxing Match with Michael Bay, Sues Billy Zane For Good Measure

STV · 05/01/08 06:20PM

On one hand we're sick to near-death of German provocateur Uwe Boll, whose perverse viral antics have amused us barely enough to keep us watching over the last month. But today the son of a bitch is making actual news: First by suing his Bloodrayne star Billy Zane for misleading him on the film's failed distribution in 2006, and then by actually confirming his proposed boxing match with flaxen fauxteur Michael Bay. So topical! So... angry! Find out where he's coming from (sort of) after the jump.