Greta Van Susteren, an adult with a lucrative career as a famous journalist, writes the best blog in the world. She is terribly upset that someone called her a "handler."
CNN curmudgeon Tony Harris has been a hold-out when it comes to his network's desperate insistence that you keep going to its various blogs while you are watching television. Today he cracked. He hates blogs.
Roger Friedman got laid off by this month for watching a pirated movie. He's already back in the game. You can't keep him down, in any sense of the word! Let's check in:
Just in case you had any remaining shred of a suspicion that inane Microtrend maker-upper Mark Penn might actually have some worthwhile advice about something, today he touts blogging as a good job opportunity. Ha!
The Chicago Tribune is bankrupt and will lay off 20 percent of its staff on Wednesday. So how is it going to survive? By making its reporters rewrite items from gossip blogs!
Alan Henney is an assignment desk editor at Gannett-owned WUSA-TV in Washington. He quit this week—mad as hell, the whole bit. In his farewell email, he blamed too much blogging, not enough news-ing:
The New York Times has issued a formal set of standards for their in-house blogs, marking the first time blogs have ever had standards (No "snark"). The latest in a rich history of technomazing ideas!
Dear important scientist Tim Berners-Lee: Thank you for inventing the World Wide Web 20 years ago. It's really great and stuff! But were you aware of the crimes committed in your name?
"Most Americans had likely never heard of RadarOnline before now. But the site almost instantly made a name for itself with the Octo-Mom story."—LAT, today. Come on now. I mean, really.
Hugo Lindgren was Adam Moss' first hire at New York magazine, following Moss over from the NYT magazine. Now Lindgren is one of New York's bloggers. They sure take this "blogging" thing seriously!
In your gale-force Thursday media column: Juan Williams is controversial, more magazines die, Wonkette launches a spinoff, and teen sex remains incredibly popular:
Second-string New Yorker movie critic David Denby hates 'snark.' He wrote a whole book of fiction about it! What would the man think if he knew that snark—yes, snark—is creeping into his own publication's content?
It's been a long year for David Hauslaib and his Jossip blog empire. Now Hauslaib seems eager to exit his flagship site, running the "for sale" sign above atop
Cold-eyed Hipsterwood blowjob recipient and woman-threatener Vincent Gallo is going to be appearing in some ads for H&M! A perfect fit, in Bizarro World. And, under "Too Good To Check": he calls bloggers GAY:
Pajamas Media was founded by a bunch of conservative bloggers dissatisfied with the liberal MSM. And now, like the liberal MSM, they are all out of money.
Honestly, we only keep Huffington Post on our Google Reader to keep up with all of Alec Baldwin's histrionic musings. Still, we're glad we didn't miss today's HuffPo dip into kookier, Michelle Williams-related territories.